NHS spends ?15million on gagging 600 whistleblowers

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The NHS spent ?15million in three years on gagging whistleblowers, the Mail can reveal today.
The shocking figures pile the pressure on NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson, who has clung to his ?270,000 role despite presiding over the Mid Staffordshire hospital scandal that cost the lives of 1,200 patients.
In just three years there were 598 ?special severance payments?, almost all of which carried draconian confidentiality clauses aimed at silencing whistleblowers.
They cost the taxpayer ?14.7million, the equivalent of almost 750 nurses? salaries.
Yet only last week, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt warned the NHS against silencing internal dissent.

We've had an ongoing saga round here with one of those.

Heart consultant who opened his gob. Was suspended on FULL PAY for years. Then someone in the NHS ruled they had to unsuspend him. So they did but insisted he did the final year of his course again! So he did that, and we all thought, well, they've made him eat dirt but at least he'll be able to practice again at the end of the year ...... but then couldn't get a date for the final bit of the training - because the hospital decided to decline to back it or pay for it.

I honestly don't know what happened after that. It all went very very quiet and has stayed that way ever since.
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