NHS Scotland maintenance costs down by ?62 million in last year

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
BACKLOG maintenance costs in Scotland?s NHS were reduced by ?62 million in the last year, the authors of a new report published today have claimed.

The State of the NHS Scotland Assets and Facilities Report 2012 sets out the figures that will allow health boards to tackle maintenance costs across the estate.

There is a total maintenance cost of ?948 million ? a reduction from over ?1 billion from last year, the report said.

The costs include over ?360 million of work needed in non-medical areas and buildings for sale that do not impact on patients and a backlog of ?407 million which has been assessed as high or significant risk.

Scotland?s health secretary Alex Neil said: ?This report will help us to improve Scotland?s hospitals ? and patients will see the benefits of new facilities across all areas, renovations to existing buildings and new, modern equipment.

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