NHS reforms will fail unless GPs get behind them

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The year 2011 was the year of sound and fury, as the health bill staggered drunkenly through parliament, attacked on every side. 2012 was the year of planning the reforms enshrined in the new act.

And 2013 will be the year of implementation, when it will be revealed whether the planning has been sufficiently rigorous or whether the act is fatally flawed. It will be a year when everybody will have to work incredibly hard and incredibly smartly, to get it all up and running, with unparalleled levels of co-operation between clinicians, administrators and ancillary services.

Any fool can lay down grandiose plans in a back room, but it takes real streetfighting determination and low cunning to implement anything, let alone something as all-embracing as the NHS reforms. Just look at what has to be done. Healthcare and social care has to be merged, with all the organisational and cultural shifts that will entail. Other qualified providers ? charities and the private sector ? will be given more chance to compete for healthcare services.

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