NHS: Reform message was screwed up - health minister

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A newly appointed health minister has said the government "screwed up" its presentation of the controversial changes to the NHS in England.

Anna Soubry has admitted making the comment during a private session at a health conference, just days after taking up her new ministerial post.

But in a statement, she clarified the remark and said she backed the reforms.

"More could have been done" to explain the benefits and "encourage support" from health professionals, she said.

Under the government plans, GPs and other clinicians are to be given more responsibility for spending the budget in England, while greater competition with the private sector will be encouraged.

A host of health groups - including some royal colleges which set professional standards as well as the major unions representing doctors, nurses and midwives - were against the reforms.

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