NHS Pump Referral [UPDATE]

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello again!

Remember my last post about being referred for Insulin Pump therapy and how i've been a bit left in the dark with it all? Well I had a call with my consultant's secretary in which she re-referred me and said i'd hear back within 2 weeks from the DSN at the pump clinic. It's been 2 weeks, and to no surprise, I still haven't had that call or email. Neither have I heard back from the secretary.

I decided today to give PALS a call, to see if they could help at all. I spoke with a lady who said they don't unfortunately have access to that information, but she IS going to try and get in touch with the care group on my behalf and see what's going on, and either PALS, or I, should hear back within another 5 days. (probably a week with how stretched this NHS is)

It seems like nobody knows what's happening, and it's getting a little frustrating. I've sent out a lot of emails to various healthcare professionals but they seem to be going into a black hole. I do follow the pump nurses for my area on Twitter, but I don't want to reach out to them on there about this as I feel that'd probably come off as annoying.

I'll be leaving it another week before trying to make more contact, and I'll post any updates I get here in the meantime for those who are interested in the progress.

EDIT: I had an email from the ACTUAL pump team! looks like a pump nurse had recently left and I think I got caught in the 'change over' so the new nurse emailed me and apologised for the delay, but my case is being discussed in October at their next meeting. I'm so thankful I got a reply and know what's going on now. Let's hope i'm successful.
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Hope you hear something soon. It must be frustrating.
I hope that you get some response soon
Sorry you are having such a palaver with your referral @olliej96

Fingers crossed now that you’ve made contact with the replacement pump DSN, things will start to move ahead more smoothly.
Sorry you are having such a palaver with your referral @olliej96

Fingers crossed now that you’ve made contact with the replacement pump DSN, things will start to move ahead more smoothly.
Thank you, from a lot of experiences I've heard about, it definitely seems to be a mix of the area you live in, or how supportive the local team are. I'll find out what the score is by the end of the month and I'll definitely be writing an update with how it goes.
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