NHS patients thwarted in bid to enter drug trials

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The NHS has been accused of impeding the quest for lifesaving new drugs by denying many patients the chance to take part in clinical trials.

The development of novel therapies is being held back because too many hospitals are "pretty poor" at helping patients to take part in drug trials that might benefit them or others, said Dr Jonathan Sheffield, chief executive of the NHS National Institute for Health Research's clinical research network.

Health charities which between them spend ?1bn a year on research say they are "frustrated" that some studies do not get enough participants, or are delayed due to low numbers, because the NHS does too little to promote them, even though an overwhelming majority of patients want to join one.

Well it depends doesn't it?

I mean yes, I 'd perhaps like to take part in a trial, matter of fact I was offered one last year - buit when I read up aout the drug and it's particular side effects frankly although pronounced an ideal candidate for the trial, I didn't wish to touch it with a bargepole.

However it was still useful because it proved a) that I will get osteoporosis and very soon if I'm not careful and b) that I was Vit D deficient, despite baking myself in hot sunshine nekkid as a jaybird several times a year ......
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