NHS must reform or die says PM

Amity Island

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The health of the nation has deteriorated, with more years spent in ill health. Contributing factors - over the past 15 years - include poor quality housing, low income and insecure employment. The result is the "NHS has faced rising demand for healthcare from a society in distress".

There has been a "surge" in multiple long-term conditions, including a rise in poor mental health among children and young people. Fewer children get their vaccines and fewer adults now participate in things such as breast cancer screening.

Waiting times targets are being missed across the board, including for surgery, cancer care, A&E and mental health services. "Long waits have become normalised" and "A&E is in an awful state".

This is despite the recent April 2020 NHS bail out.
Over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.

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An interesting piece in The Today podcast today. Halfway thru approx.
Yeah, grabbed my attention and yet everyone else just takes more money. Well to his credit Starmer is saying ‘reform’ but we’ll see.
By reform, I think they mean more convenience.

To deal with all the health issues caused by so called "modern" living, convenience ultra processed ready made unhealthy food, takeaways, sedentary lifestyles e.g shop at home / work from home, having conversations by text not in person, glued to phones and computers, they are proposing more convenience by way of managing your health on your phone, telephone appointments, AI, digitisation of what used to be confidential patient records.

The whole digital movement is basically anti-human. Humans are already whole and complete, we don't need a mobile to live.
Although I'm not a big fan of Keir Starmer he is absolutely right when it comes to the NHS..it seriously needs to reform...not least on waiting lists...I'm one of the 7.6 million waiting for an operation(in my case it's plastic surgery (Skin graphs)on the wound on my left leg.)
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An interesting piece in The Today podcast today. Halfway thru approx.

Heard that last night on R4. Explored the subject well, and I found the guest very interesting.
Heard that last night on R4. Explored the subject well, and I found the guest very interesting.
I’m too accepting of the views of these people. There was an alternative view to the anti new cholesterol treatment being blocked by BMA, but some concerns over risks and side effects. So things are not all they seem. Good job I’m not responsible for these decisions☹️.
Each of us can only look at situations and consider them ourselves but always have to bear in mind that our own knowledge and experience is always limited by what we know and our own experience! :D

You may remember some politician in the past emblazening the message on the side of a red double decker bus that Brexit would mean the NHS would get an extra £300m instantly. (per day, was it?) It soon became pretty apparent that not everyone knew the same man was previously sacked/asked to leave his position as a columnist with one of the major UK newspapers for basically fabricating stories - the most obvious of which was that the EEC were about to introduce legislation to only allow straight bananas to appear in its member states in future. The chap in question made the erroneous assumption that 'everyone' would instantly know that that was ridiculous - but the Editor knew fine damn well his readership most likely wouldn't because bananas only came from the supermarket ....... didn't they ...... never seen a hand of em in their lives.