NHS managers must be paid through normal channels: Sir David Nicholson

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
NHS hospitals have been ordered to stop paying temporary managers off the books in a bid to stamp out tax avoidance, it has emerged.

A letter from NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson said bosses must ensure interim workers with financial responsibilities are paid through the normal channels if working for longer than six months.
The crack down follows the disclosure that civil servants across Whitehall were being paid through companies in order to pay lower tax rates.

The letter warns that Government departments which flout the new rules could face a fines of up to five times the amount paid to the interim worker.
The confidential letter, leaked to HSJ, has been sent to the chairs, chief executives and senior directors at strategic health authorities, primary care trusts and NHS trusts, setting out new rules.
Earlier this year a Treasury review revealed many public sector executives were not on organisations? payroll.

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