NHS in Scotland will face £1bn budget cuts if country breaks away, Ed Miliband claims

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Scotland’s NHS could be left facing budget cuts of more than £1bn if the country votes for independence next week, Ed Miliband has warned.

Speaking alongside Gordon Brown at a rally in Glasgow, the Labour leader claimed that the “real threat” to Scotland’s health service was not the creep of privatisation from England but the financial risks posed by the country leaving the UK.

Data published by Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, earlier this week suggested that Scotland would have to find an extra £21bn of cash reserves if it wanted to use the pound informally without a currency union, Mr Miliband suggested. The result, he added, would be deep cuts.

Scaremongering again.
They must have different rules in Scotland for Pump supplies. In England you get 3month supplies. In Scotland you get a years supply. You need a dry safe place to keep this sort of stuff, not the back shed ! What happens when you run out of a certain thing ? I don't want there to be separate countries but why is it different now 🙂
There won't be any negative impact up here Hobie, the No campaign are simply rehashing arguments that were shot down weeks ago and hoping no-one will notice they have nothing new to say.

[RANT]Out and about up here, you hardly see any 'No' posters anywhere, the vast majority of signs on lamp posts and in windows read 'Yes'. This is quite stunning when you realise Inverness and much of the North East has long been a Liberal and pro-Union stronghold. So what changed? Simple, the Liberals sold out and went into that unholy alliance with the Tories. That lost them a lot of support in the Highlands and folk who would never previously have considered voting yes in an independence referendum have decided to do so because they are fed up of being ignored, disenfranchised and betrayed by Westmonster. Even my nearest neighbours, one of whom was a long serving Liberal councillor are going to vote Yes, they're in their 80s and scared of change but they are far more frightened by what they see happening down south than they are at the prospect of an independent Scotland. Ours is only a wee street, but there's nobody in any of the houses that intends to vote No.

There's a chance, albeit a slim one that Scotland is going to vote Yes next week and, in spite of the scaremongering, it's not a bad thing. Scotland needs a properly representative government answerable to us, one Scots have actually voted for and this seems the only way we're going to get it.

If the vote is Yes, we won't lose out and may soon be better off. No more jumping through ATOS hoops, no more bedroom tax and, in time, a far more sensible approach to dealing with the needs of long term chronic conditions like ours. If it's a No, I have no doubt Westmonster will continue to demonise and penalise those unfortunate enough to need benefits. Scots will continue to suffer along with everyone else.

All those promises about Devo Max? Will disappear into the mists and we'll go back to having essentially no say in our own affairs and no effective vote.[/RANT]
Hi Alison, I have been to the top of Scotland a lot. Things that happen in Scotland ! My bike battery went just before we got on ferry to Outer Hebs. New one came from Inverness( long way). Was staying in a B&B & the electric shower packed in. New one had to come from Inverness (long way ). The cost of getting things from a to b £ ? I love Scotland but would be put off going if I had to have passports & a different money bag 🙂
That would be your loss Hobie, but I doubt there is any plan on the Scottish side to 'close' the borders and require passports. Check point Charlie in the middle of the Tweed? I don't think so. And as for the money, ours is already different always has been.
That would be your loss Hobie, but I doubt there is any plan on the Scottish side to 'close' the borders and require passports. Check point Charlie in the middle of the Tweed? I don't think so. And as for the money, ours is already different always has been.

The Scots contingent of my family are all voting yes and historically they've always been against it, but the current Government have pushed them over the edge. They're making it worse now by coming out of the woodwork and promising more devolution, why on earth didn't they just do that before. I suspect the rest of us have more to lose to be honest.

The weird thing is that I have family in Northern Ireland and Ireland who generally can't be in the same room together because the NI contingent are very vocal about being Brits but they are changing their minds too. Could be an interesting time ahead.
I think the main things that scares me is that there will be a higher chance of a Tory govt. if there is a YES vote, since Labour will lose many of its seats. The thought of this govt getting another 5 years is horrific, and I can certainly see how people North of the border feel totally disconnected from Westminster - so do most of England because anything good that happens in the economy is London based. Maybe they should hive off London and let the rest of us have our independence! 🙂
Can you remember when te original poll tax in Thatcher times ? I was working in Godalming surrey. Stock broker vill " The house was like to the manor bourn. A fox hunt went on in the grounds ! At the time I lived in a terr street & took the bin men 5/10mins to do the whole street. Would have taken that to do one house in stock broker vill. Same as majority of Scotland. The French & Germans must be rubbing there hand that you are thinking about a split. 🙂
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The problem as I see it is the SNP have not got the foggiest idea what any of it will cost, and the few bits they do know they wont admit to.

Take the EU for example, even if they get the same rebate as the UK it is still £5 Million a day being sent to Brussels, where will that come from? as there is already a £6 Billion black hole in Scottish finances and with Salmond promising to renege on the debt who will lend to them?

Salmond is the same man complaining about food banks yet spends £750 Million on a tram set in Edinburgh.

Oh and they want a yes to save the NHS when they also want to join the EU that is trying to privatise the NHS.

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There won't be any negative impact up here Hobie, the No campaign are simply rehashing arguments that were shot down weeks ago and hoping no-one will notice they have nothing new to say.

[RANT]Out and about up here, you hardly see any 'No' posters anywhere, the vast majority of signs on lamp posts and in windows read 'Yes'. This is quite stunning when you realise Inverness and much of the North East has long been a Liberal and pro-Union stronghold. So what changed? Simple, the Liberals sold out and went into that unholy alliance with the Tories. That lost them a lot of support in the Highlands and folk who would never previously have considered voting yes in an independence referendum have decided to do so because they are fed up of being ignored, disenfranchised and betrayed by Westmonster. Even my nearest neighbours, one of whom was a long serving Liberal councillor are going to vote Yes, they're in their 80s and scared of change but they are far more frightened by what they see happening down south than they are at the prospect of an independent Scotland. Ours is only a wee street, but there's nobody in any of the houses that intends to vote No.

There's a chance, albeit a slim one that Scotland is going to vote Yes next week and, in spite of the scaremongering, it's not a bad thing. Scotland needs a properly representative government answerable to us, one Scots have actually voted for and this seems the only way we're going to get it.

If the vote is Yes, we won't lose out and may soon be better off. No more jumping through ATOS hoops, no more bedroom tax and, in time, a far more sensible approach to dealing with the needs of long term chronic conditions like ours. If it's a No, I have no doubt Westmonster will continue to demonise and penalise those unfortunate enough to need benefits. Scots will continue to suffer along with everyone else.

All those promises about Devo Max? Will disappear into the mists and we'll go back to having essentially no say in our own affairs and no effective vote.[/RANT]

As I understand it no poster are being burnt, stolen and vandalised by yessers
I think the main things that scares me is that there will be a higher chance of a Tory govt. if there is a YES vote, since Labour will lose many of its seats. The thought of this govt getting another 5 years is horrific, and I can certainly see how people North of the border feel totally disconnected from Westminster - so do most of England because anything good that happens in the economy is London based. Maybe they should hive off London and let the rest of us have our independence! 🙂

Yes I think you're right, the Scottish left wing vote has always been very important in swinging it away from the right. We're a labour stronghold here but when they changed the voting districts in the 70s they basically "made" extra right wing seats by hiving off small affluent villages. If they stay in power in the next election I'll be devastated. One things for sure the lib dems have shot themselves in the head. I think separating London off is a great idea, if I hear one more news report about train overcrowding in London I'm going to spit. They want to try it here!
The burning question that the people of scotland should be asking

Explain Mr. Salmond how can you spend £776 million on bloody trams, and we have people in Edinburgh living on the streets and we have food banks.

It shows that powers already devolved have been misused.

for us English Tories though as some of you have noticed, this vote is a win win.

Vote yes and we get Boris and a Tory majority.

Vote No and we keep Dave who will undoubtedly do a deal with UKIP that makes a Tory Majority.
One things that strikes me about all this is that the 'No' campaigners seem to be saying that it is practically impossible for a country or region to separate, but I only need to look at my 1960 world atlas to see that it has happened all over the world in the past 50 years.
Explain Mr. Salmond how can you spend £776 million on bloody trams, and we have people in Edinburgh living on the streets and we have food banks.

Easy, the contract was signed before the SNP were elected and we were saddled with the blasted project as the legal costs of pulling out were prohibitive.

There are even more people living on the streets of English cities, what's Westmonster doing about them?
One things that strikes me about all this is that the 'No' campaigners seem to be saying that it is practically impossible for a country or region to separate, but I only need to look at my 1960 world atlas to see that it has happened all over the world in the past 50 years.

I haven't heard anybody say it's impossible, but this Utopian land of milk and honey that Salmond keep promising the Scots does not exist and probably will not exist.

They claim they want self determination and to be in the EU at the same time yet EU membership is anything but self determination.

They claim they want self determination and to be in a currency union at the same time yet a currency union is anything but self determination.

Strange people
Easy, the contract was signed before the SNP were elected and we were saddled with the blasted project as the legal costs of pulling out were prohibitive.

There are even more people living on the streets of English cities, what's Westmonster doing about them?

The question is not about the SNP, it's about local Scottish leaders sqandering millions and Millions of pound yet moaning about foodbanks.

But I will now go back and have a wee look at the contract.

2008 is not that long ago and I am sure the SNP could have stopped it had they wished as all the MSP's for Edinburgh were SNP
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