NHS 'ignoring smoking in mental health patients'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The NHS in England is not doing enough to help people with mental health conditions quit smoking, an influential group of doctors has warned.

People with mental health disorders, such as depression, are twice as likely to smoke and tend to be more addicted.

Yet the NHS is turning a blind eye and not doing enough to help them to stop, the Royal College of Physicians said.

The Department of Health said it was committed to tackling the issue in the future.

I'm not sure that's entirely true. Stopping smoking is hard, and some frontline staff may be reluctant to push the anti-smoking message with people who have complex problems to deal with.
Funnily enough LeeLee - depression/stress actually made me do two things on the basis that these were things I COULD do for my own health even if I couldn't control the stressors.

One was look after my diabetes (OK I got a bit fanatical, but come on!) and the other was pack up smoking. See - I'm NOT useless, I DO have a sane brain - look what I've just achieved ! so there ....
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