NHS culture set by politicians

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
One cannot but agree with Jeremy Hunt that many who work in the NHS need to change their priorities and their attitudes to patient care (Hospital care failings are shocking betrayal of NHS values, says Hunt, 7 January). What he does not seem to want to talk about, however, is how NHS staff came to have the "compassion that led them into the profession ? ground out of them".

For the last three decades the NHS has been subject to a constant stream of Stalinist directives: "You must do this ? no discussion, no piloting, no argument ? and you must do it by the day after tomorrow." Often these directives are based on zero evidence of benefit and are enormously disruptive. They are introduced with a great fanfare, only to be dropped a year or two later.


Hear hear! 🙂
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