NHS crossed wires?

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Mike P

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
In June I had a hospital appointment for eye screening due to Diabetic Maculopathy. The results were ok and I was discharged back to the eye screening service. In October the eye screening service confirmed the maculopathy and I was notified to expect another appointent in January. Out of the blue I get a Hospital appointment for eye screening that I wasn't expecting, I attended that last Monday 6th Dec and await the results. This morning in the post I have an appointment for diabetic eye screening with the eye screening service for 23rd December. I phoned them up to check if I needed to attend as I had only just had the hospital appointment. They say I need to attend, the hospital appointment isn't showing on their system so they have no idea what it was for!
Either my eyes are rather special or there are some crossed wires in the system somewhere.
I will go for the eye screening and try to find out what's happened.i will keep you posted.

If it was me I would ring again next week to check as not showed up on their system, and you do need to attend. Not all systems in the NHS are integrated. Even the Covid Vaccine system run by Central System and by local systems are not inter connected.
The eye screening clinic is separate from the hospital, thus they do not talk to each other unless a problem shows up on your eye screening results.
Mind you it's debatable then if they talk to each other.
March there was a problem on my scan and so far no apt to get it checked.
In the end I went to both appointments, my eyes have never been so closely checked. Neither the hospital or the eye screening service knew of each others appointments and neither seemed at all surprised. I await the results.
In the meantime I have had a diabetic review meeting at my GP, bloods taken, feet checked etc. I await a call from the Diabetic Nurse on 7th Jan to discuss the results. I will keep you posted.
Better too many appointments that too few @Mike P. Glad they are keeping on top of your appointments.
I said I would keep you updated, well here are the results of the jury. Diabetic nurse rang today with my latest blood test results. HbA1c 41, slightly up on two years ago but still within acceptable range, Cholesterol 5.8 - Statins have been advised, thinking about that will be doing some research before asking for them. My EGFR (not heard of that before) is out of range and I have been advised to take another blood test in the next couple of weeks. Apparantly its not dramatically out of range "nothing to worry about, you might have been slightly dehydrated on the day". Must drink more on blood test day!
All in all she seemed pleased with my results so I can breathe easier again.
Oh My Diabetic Eye review came back "Diabetic Maculopathy" next review in March so no change there then. Still waitig for the results of the eye check at the hospital, not holding my breath for that it took three months last time.
I said I would keep you updated, well here are the results of the jury. Diabetic nurse rang today with my latest blood test results. HbA1c 41, slightly up on two years ago but still within acceptable range, Cholesterol 5.8 - Statins have been advised, thinking about that will be doing some research before asking for them. My EGFR (not heard of that before) is out of range and I have been advised to take another blood test in the next couple of weeks. Apparantly its not dramatically out of range "nothing to worry about, you might have been slightly dehydrated on the day". Must drink more on blood test day!
All in all she seemed pleased with my results so I can breathe easier again.
I think the EGFR tests for some aspects of kidney function as it is something required if people are having a CT scan with contrast as they have to check you would excrete the contrast substance properly.
Your HbA1C looks fantastic.
I said I would keep you updated, well here are the results of the jury. Diabetic nurse rang today with my latest blood test results. HbA1c 41, slightly up on two years ago but still within acceptable range, Cholesterol 5.8 - Statins have been advised, thinking about that will be doing some research before asking for them. My EGFR (not heard of that before) is out of range and I have been advised to take another blood test in the next couple of weeks. Apparantly its not dramatically out of range "nothing to worry about, you might have been slightly dehydrated on the day". Must drink more on blood test day!
All in all she seemed pleased with my results so I can breathe easier again.
Oh My Diabetic Eye review came back "Diabetic Maculopathy" next review in March so no change there then. Still waitig for the results of the eye check at the hospital, not holding my breath for that it took three months last time.
It’s an estimate of the kidney's filtration rate. Here’s a guide.
It gets lower as you get older, generally. Mine goes up and down a bit. If it’s a bit lower than optimum on a test, it’s only of concern if you’ve got other symptoms of kidney disease.
Well, I almost could have held my breath because I have had the results from the hospital for my eye photo screening already. The results are M1 maculopothy in both eyes not clinically significant. Right eye showed improvement to retinal thickness, background retinopathy remains mild.0
It went on to say that I had previously been discharged to the Diabetic eye screening service but due to an administration error I had been booked back into opthalmology. they apologise for any inconvenience caused by having to attend multiple appointments. A written apology from the NHS, I might have to frame that LOL! I have now been discharged back to the diabetic eye screening service, next screening appointment - March.
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