Newly Diagnosed

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Relationship to Diabetes
My grandson is 21 years old and was diagnosed yesterday with Type 1 diabetes which was a terrible shock for everyone. He is still in hospital as they are trying to get his potassium and hp levels down, keytones seem to be settling now. I was told it was probably due to covid or another infection as we have no family history. My grandson was a little depessed before diagnosis but i fear that this is going to tip him over and am worried for him. He is needle phobic never been to dentist or hospital before because of his fears. Even worse because of flu and covid we are not aloud to visit him in hospital as no visitors, this is scary as worried about his mental health spiraling without family support, he is calling crying for us to help him.
As a family we know nothing about treatments or what to ask consultants when we can eventually see someone. Any tips or help that may be useful in the coming months and mental health with diabetes would really be appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Sue x
Sorry to hear about your grandson’s Type 1 diagnosis @Susannemary Its always a huge shock and can cause a lot of emotions - anger, fear, sadness. It does gradually get easier though. It might not seem like it now, but your grandson will slowly get the hang of things and learn to fit diabetes into his life.

There’s a great book, which I’ll link to in my next post. Don’t try to overload on information. Get the basics and gradually build on those.

I have a needle phobia and Type 1 as do a few others here. I manage and there’s nothing special about me, so I’m sure your grandson can too. What I find easiest is being in control myself. It’s not like somebody else giving you an injection, it’s less stressful after you’ve done it a few times.

Please tell your grandson he’s not alone. There are lots of friendly, supportive Type 1s here, and Diabetes U.K. (number top of this page) can offer advice if needed too.
I am a little older than your grandson but got diagnosed a year ago too. I got the same news that it was likely due to Covid.

For the first 6 months, I just tried to adapt. Then I went on a rampage and learnt all I could. I read most of the books here and spent time reading around this website which is very helpful. My girlfriend read the books too and its really great to have her support.

Your grandson sounds like he has a good support network already 🙂
Sorry to hear about your grandson @Susannemary

I can understand how worrying it must be for you all.

Hopefully he will find ways to manage his diabetes, and get it to fit around his mental health challenges.

Is he due to be allowed home soon?

There are special injection devices that can help people who have anxiety around needles - hopefully he will be offered something like that?
Sorry to hear about your grandson’s Type 1 diagnosis @Susannemary Its always a huge shock and can cause a lot of emotions - anger, fear, sadness. It does gradually get easier though. It might not seem like it now, but your grandson will slowly get the hang of things and learn to fit diabetes into his life.

There’s a great book, which I’ll link to in my next post. Don’t try to overload on information. Get the basics and gradually build on those.

I have a needle phobia and Type 1 as do a few others here. I manage and there’s nothing special about me, so I’m sure your grandson can too. What I find easiest is being in control myself. It’s not like somebody else giving you an injection, it’s less stressful after you’ve done it a few times.

Please tell your grandson he’s not alone. There are lots of friendly, supportive Type 1s here, and Diabetes U.K. (number top of this page) can offer advice if needed too.
Thank you just ordered on Amazon x
Sorry to hear about your grandson @Susannemary

I can understand how worrying it must be for you all.

Hopefully he will find ways to manage his diabetes, and get it to fit around his mental health challenges.

Is he due to be allowed home soon?

There are special injection devices that can help people who have anxiety around needles - hopefully he will be offered something like that?
That sounds good his poor fingers are in a state they have been doing BM every two hours!
Sorry to hear about your grandson @Susannemary

I can understand how worrying it must be for you all.

Hopefully he will find ways to manage his diabetes, and get it to fit around his mental health challenges.

Is he due to be allowed home soon?

There are special injection devices that can help people who have anxiety around needles - hopefully he will be offered something like that?
Came home but had to go back as glucose to high and potassium levels low. It’s a minefield at present sad times
Came home but had to go back as glucose to high and potassium levels low. It’s a minefield at present sad times

Ah sorry to hear that :(

Must be very worrying for you all.
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