Newly diagnosed type 2

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I have just been diagnosed type 2. Bit devastated esp just before Christmas I’ve yet to see diabetes dr to explain it all to me i am starting on metforman medication. Thanks everyone
Welcome, yes a bit rough possibly to get this just before you get into Christmas when all the luxury foods are usually even more readily available and tempting.
You have come to a good forum and many will help you here.
I am sure you have read some of the forum but if not lots of information to be had. The learning zone here in the above bars is also useful.
If type 2 many of us have tried the low-carb approach and the Freshwell site is a good place to visit. Leadinglights another member introduced that to me and I looked on other sites and books for good recipes.
Give yourself time to accept the diagnosis and get used to the medication and now knowing will help you get your sugars back to a level I hope you feel better with.
I found very helpful people here and hope you do too.
Welcome, yes a bit rough possibly to get this just before you get into Christmas when all the luxury foods are usually even more readily available and tempting.
You have come to a good forum and many will help you here.
I am sure you have read some of the forum but if not lots of information to be had. The learning zone here in the above bars is also useful.
If type 2 many of us have tried the low-carb approach and the Freshwell site is a good place to visit. Leadinglights another member introduced that to me and I looked on other sites and books for good recipes.
Give yourself time to accept the diagnosis and get used to the medication and now knowing will help you get your sugars back to a level I hope you feel better with.
I found very helpful people here and hope you do too.
Thankyou so much xx
Hi I have just been diagnosed type 2. Bit devastated esp just before Christmas I’ve yet to see diabetes dr to explain it all to me i am starting on metforman medication. Thanks everyone
Hi, and welcome to the forum, Yes, it can feel devastating, especially if it's come out of the blue. Was it picked up from a routine blood test for something else or were you experiencing symptoms?

Hopefully your GP will explain what your diagnosis means. In the meantime we're here to answer any questions you have. Were you told what your HbA1c blood test result was? This is helpful because what you need to do to manage your T2 (diet, exercise, weight loss) depends to a large extent on how far over the diabetes threshold (48) you are.
Hi it was from blood tests I’m not overweight at all I have a problem with a cyst in my pancreas so have mri and bloods every 6 months I had 4 consecutive high readings over 48 one being 53 I was already having blood tests with my dr and was borderline diabetes I am seeing my dr Thursday to discuss medication metformin and you have helped already by giving me questions to ask. I’m a mental health nursing assistant so am aware of type 1 and 2 do finger pricks assist with monitoring but to be honest I now realise I don’t have a clue. Am great with their mental health but not diabetics x
Hi it was from blood tests I’m not overweight at all I have a problem with a cyst in my pancreas so have mri and bloods every 6 months I had 4 consecutive high readings over 48 one being 53 I was already having blood tests with my dr and was borderline diabetes I am seeing my dr Thursday to discuss medication metformin and you have helped already by giving me questions to ask. I’m a mental health nursing assistant so am aware of type 1 and 2 do finger pricks assist with monitoring but to be honest I now realise I don’t have a clue. Am great with their mental health but not diabetics x
The fact you have a cyst on your pancreas is possibly the reason for your higher HbA1C and as such the standard treatment of metformin which is usual for Type 2 may not be the right one but with specific pancreatic issues then Type 3c may be the more appropriate diagnosis.
Is it intended to do something about the cyst?
Your HbA1c is not particularly high and many would be given the opportunity to make dietary changes for 3 months to bring levels down before medication as even with metformin that is needed anyway.
The Freshwell approach I found to be successful in reducing my HbA1C with no meds from 50mmol/mol to 42 in 3 months and is now my new normal way of eating.
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