Newly diagnosed type 2 first appointment

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello. I have recently been diagnosed T2 diabetic with a hba1c of 56. I previously had gestational diabetes when pregnant so was always at risk of being type2. I have my first appointment tomorrow with the diabetic nurse and just wondered what to expect.
Hello. I have recently been diagnosed T2 diabetic with a hba1c of 56. I previously had gestational diabetes when pregnant so was always at risk of being type2. I have my first appointment tomorrow with the diabetic nurse and just wondered what to expect.
Welcome to the forum
Your HbA1C is not desperately high and many manage to get down to normal levels by making dietary changes and hopefully you will be given the opportunity to do that for three months before being prescribed any medication. However that may depend on how you were managed when you had gestational diabetes and how motivated you are to make changes.
The other things that are likely to happen is your feet will be checked and you should be referred for retinal eye screening, probably blood pressure and weight check. Other things may depend on what your other blood results were.
Many find a low carbohydrate approach successful but sadly the standard NHS dietary advice is too high in carbs for many to tolerate. Have a look at this link as it is one which many have found successful and it may prompt you with some questions for your appointment.
It can be a good idea to jot them down as it is easy to forget and you can also make a note of what is said.
If you are prescribed metformin then people find the slow release version easier to tolerate with less side effects.
Welcome to the forum @Sal71

Appointments seem to have got a bit squeezed for time in recent years.

Ideally I’d hope that the nurse would take a little time to get to know you… That you would be given the opportunity to ask any questions you have… And that you’d be given some options and choices about how you’d like to make a start in managing your diabetes.

You may also be weighed, have your BP checked, and perhaps have your feet checked (though that may not happen until your annual review.

Hope its a helpful appointment.

Perhaps take any questions that have occurred to you in a notebook? It can be easy to forget them once the conversation starts!
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