@Leadinglights @MarinaDE @Drummer @Lurcher67 hiya thanks for all the welcomes and support, really glad I joined now and setup Diabetes UK membership worth it for the great publications alone!
I am definitely listening to all the advice, learned experience, wise words, and slowly moving past the shock and panic and starving my self for days in the absence of having no clue about what was healthy diet for me any longer, and it's really great to hear that Metformin and other prescription medications are helping people to manage their diabetes for themselves, alongside lifestyle changes and exploring new diets, yes I'm definitely switching from granola and porridge to yoghurt with fruit, and as treat for exercising, coconut water has no added sugar, high in Vitamin C and electrolytes, as something to replace my fruit juice and fizzy drinks I accept are very bad for me now!
So as promised, quick update on my first appointment with specialist nurse at my GP Surgery, I arrived early and waited nearly hour or so as told they were running late and I am patient and reasonable and respect all NHS Staff, and then there was whirlwind rollercoaster ride of physical health checks, weight, blood pressure, pulse, foot prick assessment (unfortunately due to lack of health screening over many years, I was prescribed athlete's foot cream and sample taken for lab testing for fungal nail infection which may be undiagnosed untreated diabetes causing havoc to my feet?), and referred to diabetes education course and chasing up my referral to weight loss mangement programme, and then no time to ask questions or to answer all questions, telephone appointment booked with GP in fortnight, and walking home!
I accept I need to be more assertive, but all my diabetes related appointments have been very rushed and stressful, there wasn't forty minutes to discuss anything, and then ultimately I am left feeling I am the only person who can motivate my self to make these big lifestyle changes happen, but have successfully dropped my HbA1C from high of 99 in August to 89 end of October by making small changes, and I do have self-discipline and just have to accept there will be good and bad days, but yeah expressing angst and frustration and "why me?" when I have friends and extended family members few years older who have been smoking, drinking, taking drugs, eating barbecued red meat (as risk factor for lifestyle conditions) since they were teenagers, and thirty years later, no medical conditions I am aware of, but the same can be said for very fit healthy people developing cancer, it's very complex and there's no family history of Type 2 Diabetes either...
@MarinaDE please feel free to express your rage on support forum (within rules and regs etc), as if you can't rant about the realities of your own diabetes diagnosis here, then where can you find space to do so and feel supported by fellow travellers?!
I will share honestly and openly that when I was told I was at high risk of having Type 2 Diabetes, I felt like my life was over and I envisaged bleak future of needles to take blood samples, and needles for insulin, and total dependence upon Pharmacies and GP's for prescription drugs, and very limited sheltered life eating broth soup, drinking water only, never being able to travel independently unless there were local Pharmacies available, and being misread as drug addict if I had to do the routine above in public, and I realise now there is so much stigma and misunderstanding about diabetes, and I am learning more every day and educating my self, but still feel selective about who I tell due to some fickle fairweather friends only responding with "so sorry to hear that babes" then total silence as if I had already died, and I want to scream at them "I can still go out partying if I want to and drink sugar-free lemonade and cola and enjoy my self, I'm not dead yet!" Ugh!
Anyway, I will certainly be expressing my angst and frustration at regular intervals along my journey, and indie rock music you can mosh and flail and dance to is just what the doctor ordered when you have been diagnosed with lifelong condition which is pretty complex and has it's own meds... Probably NSFW (but NOT YouTube Age Restricted before anyone complains!) loud rock music from Eurotrash Dilletantes Placebo