Newly diagnosed type 1

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
HI. . .

I was daignosed with type 1 last friday, being 18 it came as a massive shock, tomorrow i am going to the doctors to have some other tests done. so far i have been told to eat a healthy diet, have been given strict instructions on that one however the doctor told me i would need a blood sugar measure, can you get this on prescription because i know you can get the test strips?

It's all rather confusing!
hi lime and firstly welcome, most i think got theres off there nurse or doc, but some have gone out and bought them, so to my knowledge i dont think there on prescription.But your type 1 so you will definetly get a meter as far as i know.
Hi Ylime.

I'm very surprised that you weren't automatically GIVEN one, as that's pretty standard. When are you next seeing your healthcare team, because they should be able to give you one.

If you're not seeing them soon, get on the phone to one of the makers of the meters. Bayer Diabetes is my personal preference, as they're very helpful 🙂
Hi and welcome.
I find it a bit strange you didn't get one from the doc immediately. We weren't allowed to leave the hospital until we had ALL the paraphernalia that goes with type 1 diabetes. Hopefully, they'll give you one tomorrow.
Was it a GP you saw? I'm not sure how well stocked they are in terms of BG kits, but you can definitely get one from your team at the hospital.

Can GPs give you a prescription for a BG kit, does anyone know?
I agree with Sacredheart, if you were diagnosed type 1 i.e. non insulin produce, how you supposed to know how much to take if you have no meter or finger pricker? Assume they gave you needles/pens? Just diet won't help type 1's unless I've been totally mislead.
Best of luck, but I'd be calling to request what you need.
HI. . .

I was daignosed with type 1 last friday, being 18 it came as a massive shock, tomorrow i am going to the doctors to have some other tests done. so far i have been told to eat a healthy diet, have been given strict instructions on that one however the doctor told me i would need a blood sugar measure, can you get this on prescription because i know you can get the test strips?

It's all rather confusing!

Hi ylime, welcome to the forum 🙂 I am also a little surprised that you weren't given everything when diagnosed. However, it may be that you were showing symptoms which need confirming, which may be why you are getting the tests tomorrow. How do you feel? I know some people who are caught early enough so it's not an immediate visit to A&E although it does seem a little risky to leave you nearly a week.

If you are confirmed Type 1 you may be asked to go to a hospital clinic where they will tell you all you need to know. Please let us know how things go, I hope they go well 🙂
just to say hello and welcome to the forum'll get lots of info and support fron here ...nightmare when 1st dx so hang on in here and ask the questions you need to none are regarded as silly here xxx good luck x🙂
welcome from me too

i love your line 'it's all rather confusing"! Yep thats 100% spot on. it will be for a while but ask your questions on here and this community will see you through this horrible time.

let us know how the further tests go and what the doctor says then.

Hi - I was diagnosed the Friday before you after a trip to hospital to find my level was 35.3!!! Im 16, do loads of sport and eat a pretty healthy diet and was in the middle of my GCSE's so was a really big shock. Just starting to understand what to do. Was given everything I needed in hospital and now inject four times a day. What my family and I dont understand is should we be looking for fat, carbs and sugar in everything we buy and with regards to the fat and carbs what is the maximum level we should try and stick to and why are these two so important? Have a carb counting meeting next tuesday so maybe will understand more after that.
to answer peoples questions on whether you can get a BG meter on script - you can't. I had a nosy at my doctors screen when we were trying to find a certain brand of strips and it came up with all the meters - you know like the aviva nano etc and in red letters beside it it said: NOT AVAILABLE ON THE NHS

However, diabetes clinics and DSNs will give them to you, as will the companies if you give them a call.

Bayer can be very difficult to get hold of but you can leave a message and they will get back to you. Accu-Chek and Lifescan are very good too, all you have to do is answer a couple of questions and they'll send you one out 🙂
hi josh and welcome might like to post your own thread in the newbie section it will get noticed were the exams.... my son has just finished his ...phew espeicailly for mum who doesnt have to ever get uniform sorted for a monady morning !!!! good luck 🙂
Hi josh and welcome....even though im sorry you had to join us ....

I am suprised they didnt get you a meter when you were in hospital! i got mine straight away and wasnt allowed to leave until i had all the bits i needed strapped onto me! i hope your coping ok, the meeting about the carb counting should help you alot 🙂
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