Newly Diagnosed saying hello !

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed at the end of August with diabetes type 2 which was a surprise but also due to carrying the extra weight for so long was also not a surprise!

I went to the doctor's to finally speak to them about possibly suffering from sleep apnoea as I was finding myself more and more tired during the day but it ended up being like a shopping trip to B&M.... I went in for 1 thing and ended up coming away with multiple things that I didn't even want!

I was told I have high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, high cholesterol and my liver/kidney readings were a bit on the worrying side so had to go back to have them re-tested. Oh and of course I'm overweight

I'm currently on 40mg gliclazide for breakfast and 80mg gliclazide for my evening meal. The doctor has also asked me to test at breakfast, dinner and before bed along with the nurse telling me I should test before driving, so some days I'm testing at least 5 times a day!

Any way I took this as the wake up call I needed and have since been working away at a better diet, going to the gym and getting on my bike as much as possible to help shed those extra kilos including taking part in the UK Wide Cycle Ride for Diabetes UK covering 300 miles during the month of October.... check out my first update here

Dean M
Hey @WallisOnline Dean, welcome to the forum 🙂

Sorry to hear that, as you've said, you've come away from a recent appointment with more diagnosed than you would've liked.

Thank you for sharing lots about how you're getting on so far - how are you finding the testing? Hope that the re-testing goes well for you, too.

Do you have any questions for us? Feel free to ask away, we're all here to help, we'd all agree that there's no such thing as a silly question.

It's fantastic to hear that you're taking part in the UK Wide Cycle Ride, thanks for sharing your update! All the best in completing the challenge, do let us know how you're getting on with this! 🙂
Hey @WallisOnline Dean, welcome to the forum 🙂

Sorry to hear that, as you've said, you've come away from a recent appointment with more diagnosed than you would've liked.

Thank you for sharing lots about how you're getting on so far - how are you finding the testing? Hope that the re-testing goes well for you, too.

Do you have any questions for us? Feel free to ask away, we're all here to help, we'd all agree that there's no such thing as a silly question.

It's fantastic to hear that you're taking part in the UK Wide Cycle Ride, thanks for sharing your update! All the best in completing the challenge, do let us know how you're getting on with this! 🙂
Many thanks for your response to my post and the warm welcome

I'm sure there will be lots of questions eventually but for now I am just reading all the info, there is a lot to take in and process!

Since my diagnosis I have lost nearly 1 stone and hope this continues on with the riding over October!
Well done on loosing that weight!
Any way I took this as the wake up call I needed and have since been working away at a better diet, going to the gym and getting on my bike as much as possible to help shed those extra kilos including taking part in the UK Wide Cycle Ride for Diabetes UK covering 300 miles during the month of October....

Welcome to the forum Dean!

And it sounds like you are off to a great start. Hope you find a way to navigate through the different dietary requirements of your glucose/BP/chol/kidney function! It can be a bit of a challenge where different conditions seem to have very different needs, but hopefully you’ll be able to use your meter to find a balance between menu and meds (specifcally your overall carbohydrate intake), and adjust other nutrients to improve your other scores too… while still being able to find an enjoyable and flexible way of eating.

And great news on the weight loss too - that will help a lot!
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