Hi All,
Need a little help / advice regarding Metformin. I was diagnosed Type 2, about 18 months ago, and have been trying to control glucose levels & cholesterol on increased exercise and diet alone.
This worked for a while up to around Sep 2010. After a difficult winter, a recent review & blood tests indicate HBA1C gone back up to 6.6 and cholesterol that was lowered to within acceptable range now also up.
Taking Simvastatin 20mg daily, and last week was prescribed Metformin - 500mg twice daily.
It is a massive step for me - as I am sure it is for every one on the forum - to go through the door of having to take tablets everyday for life.
I fully understand the long term consequences of poorly controlled glucose levels so I am not burying my head. On a practical level, my lifestyle over the last 25 years has featured regular modest consumption of alcohol.
Firstly, I never drink during the day or go to the pub to drink for the sake of a drink. However probably on 4 to 5 days of the week, while preparing our evening meal I would have one or two halfs of beer, and then 2 to 3 glasses of wine with dinner.
As I have indicated above, I have tried to make lifestyle changes and brought in more alcohol free days.
All over the Metformin notes it says "Do Not Consume Alcohol While Taking Metformin". Side effects mentioned include the possibility of 'Lactic Acidosis', where half the cases can be fatal!
My intent is to 'wean' myself off my regular vino with dinner before starting on Metformin. I do not perceive myself to have a drink problem, but a glass or two with dinner is one of lifes pleasures.
Can anyone here share their social drinking habits with me in relation to the use of Metformin...
I have read some of the threads here, and it looks like a really supportive group. As my experience of the diabetic blight grows, it is reassuring to know there are others to swap notes with.
Need a little help / advice regarding Metformin. I was diagnosed Type 2, about 18 months ago, and have been trying to control glucose levels & cholesterol on increased exercise and diet alone.
This worked for a while up to around Sep 2010. After a difficult winter, a recent review & blood tests indicate HBA1C gone back up to 6.6 and cholesterol that was lowered to within acceptable range now also up.
Taking Simvastatin 20mg daily, and last week was prescribed Metformin - 500mg twice daily.
It is a massive step for me - as I am sure it is for every one on the forum - to go through the door of having to take tablets everyday for life.
I fully understand the long term consequences of poorly controlled glucose levels so I am not burying my head. On a practical level, my lifestyle over the last 25 years has featured regular modest consumption of alcohol.
Firstly, I never drink during the day or go to the pub to drink for the sake of a drink. However probably on 4 to 5 days of the week, while preparing our evening meal I would have one or two halfs of beer, and then 2 to 3 glasses of wine with dinner.
As I have indicated above, I have tried to make lifestyle changes and brought in more alcohol free days.
All over the Metformin notes it says "Do Not Consume Alcohol While Taking Metformin". Side effects mentioned include the possibility of 'Lactic Acidosis', where half the cases can be fatal!
My intent is to 'wean' myself off my regular vino with dinner before starting on Metformin. I do not perceive myself to have a drink problem, but a glass or two with dinner is one of lifes pleasures.
Can anyone here share their social drinking habits with me in relation to the use of Metformin...
I have read some of the threads here, and it looks like a really supportive group. As my experience of the diabetic blight grows, it is reassuring to know there are others to swap notes with.