Newly diagnosed daughter

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello! I don't feel that new to it anymore except still as worried really - Chloe (8years) was diagnosed last October with T1, then with coeliac disease in November but has been having stomach ache - sometimes chronic - since last September. I'm really strict about cross-contamination and we've gone gluten-free as a family, except for bread and we have separate toaster, butter, even fridge. Her levels are fairly unpredictable - I'm going on a FABB course next week - Anyway, I suppose I'm just afraid of what's around the corner and why she gets so many tummy aches - she was slightly low before bed (4.6) so had a pink wafer biscuit and some milk then complained of tummy ache and feeling low - but she wasn't - she was 6.something. In the car this evening, she told me she didn't think she was doing very well (referring to her levels) - she is quite high a lot before and after meals and she did look quite sad when she said it but on the whole she's so cheerful and never complains but it must be worrying her too for her to say that.
Hi Liz, welcome to the forum 🙂 I'm sorry to hear of your daughter's diagnosis, and with the added difficulties that Coeliac disease presents. We do have quite a few members with both conditions, so hopefully they will be able to share their experiences with you.

What insulin regime is she on? Have you discussed the tummy aches with her doctor? Is it possible that it is an emotional reaction to her diabetes and Coeliac that is causing her to worry and perhaps manifest physical symptoms? She is still relatively new to all this so it may be that the initial 'bubble' of getting used to things after diagnosis has now become a reality of the longer-term implications. We do tend to blame diabetes for many of our ailments once diagnosed, but it may be totally unrelated.

You might like to try the Children with Diabetes website - they run an email list and may have members who have experienced similar situations.

Please ask any questions you may have and we will try our best to help. Also, check out the links in our Useful links thread for more information.
Hi and welcome! 🙂

Sorry to hear about your daughters diagnoses, must have been a lot to take in in such a short space of time having one on top of the other like that!
I've not heard of a FABB course, is that related to the coeliacs ?
There is a lady I know who went on a FABB course to help with understanding her daughter's requirements as a Type1 with regard to carb counting. It stands for Flexible Adjustment of Basal Bolus. She was given a Salter Nutri Weigh and Go set of scales at the course. This was in 2009, don't know if they still give the scales out though.
Ah, thanks cherry pie! FABB sounds fab, definitely something I would have liked if it were available to us.
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