Newly diagnosed as Diabetic, with ileostomy and had a stroke!

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James C

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Thanks for adding me to the group. The same as everyone else I am looking for advice on how to control my diabetes. I have a permanent ileostomy (which to date I have had no problems with) and also had a stroke. The diagnosis of diabetes does not really surprise me as my diet has always been poor and my waist is at least 10 inches bigger than it used to be. Since my stroke, my mobility has gradually worsened to the point that even climbing the stairs is a once an hour task and when out with the family I use a mobility scooter. It seems that everything I read conflicts with the advice or capabilities of one of my other conditions.
Is anyone else in the same/similar boat? What have you done to try and help?
Morning @James C , sorry to hear about the diabetes diagnosis. Do you know what your HbA1c was at diagnosis? It shows what the glucose levels were like in your blood for the last 3 months. The doctor would have based your diagnosis on this.
Also, what sort of food are you eating, and do you measure your blood sugar levels with a monitor?
Hopefully people can fine tune the advice that they give based on what you're eating now.
Best wishes, Sarah
Welcome @James C 🙂 Having limited mobility must make things a lot more difficult for you. Are you receiving support and advice after your stroke with regard to your mobility? Even tiny movements can count as exercise if you’re very limited.

As well as your HbA1C, mentioned above, can I ask if you’re on any medication for your diabetes?
At the moment it really is very early. All I have had is a call from the nurse to tell be that my bloods have come back saying I am diabetic. I am having bloods taken again to make sure but wont get these results until after Christmas. She did say that at the moment they will try and control without medication, but that we will deal with it all after the 2nd set of results
That makes sense @James C Of course with Christmas coming up you’ll have a lot to think about, but generally you’ll need to watch the amount of carbs you eat as it’s these that put your blood sugar up. That’s all carbs not just sugar - so pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, etc.

If you’d like to list an average day’s food for you, you’ll get some suggestions of where you can reduce carbs.
Thanks Inka, and here is my conundrum. The stoma needs the carbs and salt to slow down digestion. To a diabetic my daily diet will probably give you nightmares.
Breakfast - white toast + large latte
Mid morning - bacon and egg sandwich (white bread) + large latte
Lunch - cheese & marmite sandwich (white bread) + lemonade
Dinner - Pork loin with peppercorn sauce, chips and peas + lemonade
Supper - white toast
I think in those circumstances I’d eat what I needed for the ileostomy and then take any medication needed to control my blood sugar @James C

Your diet doesn’t give me nightmares as I’m Type 1 and can eat a pretty normal diet. Insulin allows me to do that. If you need medication in order to be able to eat the diet you require, then I’d take it personally.

I’ve done a Search for you as we’ve had others here with ileostomies:

You’ll see your thread at the top but you can scroll down and click on other threads that mention ileostomies and see if anything helps. If you could speak to a dietician, they might have some ideas too.
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