Newcastle Update


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just posted my daily regimen in the exercise forum, and it occurred to me that I hadn't given an update for awhile on my Newcastle experience. My weight loss is going slowly because I fall off the wagon occasionally, but I'm now 23 pounds down, so just 10 more to reach Professor Taylor's goal of 33 lbs or 15 kilos. My response to carbs continues to improve, and although I haven't had an official A1c test, my phone app which tracks my BG tells me that my A1c should come in below 5.9 at least. I do a lot of walking in contrast to the professor's recommendation, but I'm unable to keep my calories as low as he recommends. I do try and compensate by walking at a leisurely pace to burn sugar without triggering counter-regulatory hormones, and hopefully reduce hunger pangs. You can read more in the exercise post entitled, "20,000 steps..." Bottom line, being in remission is a nice feeling, not because I can slam junk food, but because I'm feeling worlds better and expect that it's a reflection of my health.
From my own journey back - calories are not all that important.
I suspect that my embracing of saturated fats (in modest amounts) is responsible for a lot of improvements. I am really pleased with my mental state - I play a word game and am approaching the top 0.1% of players, and for being 73 now I am not doing badly.
I did hurt my foot a while ago now - I was demonstrating a jig and put my hand on the 'go' lever of the mobility scooter - it ran over my foot.....
Should know better at my age.
From my own journey back - calories are not all that important.
I suspect that my embracing of saturated fats (in modest amounts) is responsible for a lot of improvements. I am really pleased with my mental state - I play a word game and am approaching the top 0.1% of players, and for being 73 now I am not doing badly.
I did hurt my foot a while ago now - I was demonstrating a jig and put my hand on the 'go' lever of the mobility scooter - it ran over my foot.....
Should know better at my age.
I watch calories and carbs, because if all my calories were carbs I'd be in trouble. I know I can eat more calories than I do in anycase because I'm burning at least 700 per day walking, and since my goal is 1600 my caloric net isn't too far from Professor Taylor's goal. Nevertheless, my sugar addiction rears it's head regularly and I find myself going two steps forward, then one step back. I'll be 70 in June and will be joining you in full metal jacket dotage ;-) ...although I'm fairly sure we're both doing better than Biden.