Newcastle diet

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hello, I need advice. After reading Roy Taylor’s book ‘Life Without Diabetes’ I started the New antler diet to remove visceral fat. Today is the 11th day… and I am barely losing weight! What am I doing wrong? I have 3 Tesco Slim shakes plus either a large salad (with every salad item you can think of) or a ratatouille with Sofrito sauce every day. I’m hungry some of the time and can’t go to bed hungry so have a cup of 40calorie chocolate drink.
When I did low carb, with lots of protein and salads the weigh fell off me!! Anyone had similar problem. Also I find it impossible to drink 8 glasses of water a day!
hello, I need advice. After reading Roy Taylor’s book ‘Life Without Diabetes’ I started the New antler diet to remove visceral fat. Today is the 11th day… and I am barely losing weight! What am I doing wrong? I have 3 Tesco Slim shakes plus either a large salad (with every salad item you can think of) or a ratatouille with Sofrito sauce every day. I’m hungry some of the time and can’t go to bed hungry so have a cup of 40calorie chocolate drink.
When I did low carb, with lots of protein and salads the weigh fell off me!! Anyone had similar problem. Also I find it impossible to drink 8 glasses of water a day!
I was badgered to follow low calorie diets for decades, and always reported that they did not work. My metabolism simply shut down and I lost very little weight - I was also deathly pale and rather absent, with no energy.
We are all different, but it seems that we have a similar reaction to calorie restriction.
I too lose weight effortlessly eating a low carb diet - Atkins works for me.
Thanks for your input. I will stick with it for another couple of weeks (I’ve bought loads of shakes). If still no reasonable weight loss I’ll have to return to low carb/Mediterranean diet.
Some people have had success with the shake diet, but I found the only way for me was to eat "normally" with the exception of the starchy carbs such as bread, taters, rice and pasta. Luckily I never had a sweet tooth so I didn't need to cut out the cakes and biscuits. Maybe your body is just craving more protein than is in the shakes? Have you tried, eg, bacon and egg for breakfast? Omelette? I find a 2 egg cheese omelette sets me up for several hours, cheese and coleslaw at lunchtime and then whatever the rest of the family is having for dinner (fish, chilli, curry, roast) but without potatoes and just a small portion of carrots but extra leafy greens.

You may need to experiment because sadly what works for one person doesn't for another. I'm sure you will find something which suits you soon.

PS...I don't know how anyone can drink all that water every day!!! 🙂
Thanks for your input. I will stick with it for another couple of weeks (I’ve bought loads of shakes). If still no reasonable weight loss I’ll have to return to low carb/Mediterranean diet.

Sorry to hear you haven’t had the results you were hoping for on the shake diet :(

The results from the clinical trials suggested that the approach worked well for about half of the participants, and less well for others.

Was there a particular reason why you opted to switch if you were having success with losing weight on low carb/mediterranean? Roy Taylor I think suggests it is the weight loss which os important, rather than how that is achieved?

I’ve moved your thread into the remission section where it will be among other threads and experiences of the same approach.
Some people have had success with the shake diet, but I found the only way for me was to eat "normally" with the exception of the starchy carbs such as bread, taters, rice and pasta. Luckily I never had a sweet tooth so I didn't need to cut out the cakes and biscuits. Maybe your body is just craving more protein than is in the shakes? Have you tried, eg, bacon and egg for breakfast? Omelette? I find a 2 egg cheese omelette sets me up for several hours, cheese and coleslaw at lunchtime and then whatever the rest of the family is having for dinner (fish, chilli, curry, roast) but without potatoes and just a small portion of carrots but extra leafy greens.

You may need to experiment because sadly what works for one person doesn't for another. I'm sure you will find something which suits you soon.

PS...I don't know how anyone can drink all that water every day!!! 🙂
Hello Vonny, thank you so much for your information, it was badly needed. I didn’t sleep last night worrying why this diet wasn’t working! I weighed myself this morning… and in 10 days of 800 Cals a day and hunger I had lost one and a half pounds!!! Unbelievable !
This morning I had two eggs plus cheese for breakfast and I’m going to do strict low-carb for 10 days so I can compare. Another lady said her metabolism shuts right down on low-calorie.
As I’m diabetic I’m trying to remove visceral fat from my liver and pancreas. Wish me luck.
Hello Vonny, thank you so much for your information, it was badly needed. I didn’t sleep last night worrying why this diet wasn’t working! I weighed myself this morning… and in 10 days of 800 Cals a day and hunger I had lost one and a half pounds!!! Unbelievable !
This morning I had two eggs plus cheese for breakfast and I’m going to do strict low-carb for 10 days so I can compare. Another lady said her metabolism shuts right down on low-calorie.
As I’m diabetic I’m trying to remove visceral fat from my liver and pancreas. Wish me luck.
Good luck whichever way works for you…

One thing is for sure though, trust whichever process you eventually decide on, keep at it - there will be ups and downs whichever you try but keep Roy Taylor’s book in the forefront - determination will see you thru…it’s not about short term results it’s about the rest of your life…
Hello Vonny, thank you so much for your information, it was badly needed. I didn’t sleep last night worrying why this diet wasn’t working! I weighed myself this morning… and in 10 days of 800 Cals a day and hunger I had lost one and a half pounds!!! Unbelievable !
This morning I had two eggs plus cheese for breakfast and I’m going to do strict low-carb for 10 days so I can compare. Another lady said her metabolism shuts right down on low-calorie.
As I’m diabetic I’m trying to remove visceral fat from my liver and pancreas. Wish me luck.
Gosh, that sounds frustrating. How are you getting on now you're trying low-carb again?
Thanks for your input. I will stick with it for another couple of weeks (I’ve bought loads of shakes). If still no reasonable weight loss I’ll have to return to low carb/Mediterranean diet.
How are you getting on @Carolannet?
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