Newcastle diet water question.

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I'm a nervous T2 newby and just doing my online shopping.
I'm starting Prof Roy Taylor's diet in a couple of days. Does anyone know if the scented sparling water drinks such as San Pellegrino sparkling lemon water Essenza is OK in the initial diet?
Makers say they have no sugars or artificial sweeteners and 0.91 Kilocalorie. I'm expecting a difficult time so trying to make it as easy as possible without compromising weightloss so just need a bit of reassurance.

Yes I’d imagine those would be absolutely fine.
Would love to be eating those Greggs sausage rolls but not sure how many sleazy snack bars on Gosforth High Street.
Harbottle any connection to the Rothbury area and bottle seems to be in a few NE place names as always remember playing rugby vs Walbottle.
Your Lindisfarne reference took me back to watching Alan Hull and the boys
I remember watching the old films which I did enjoy and the Greggs reference was more related to Gosforth ( the posh end of Newcastle) rather than for any culinary connection
Hello, I'm a nervous T2 newby and just doing my online shopping.
I'm starting Prof Roy Taylor's diet in a couple of days. Does anyone know if the scented sparling water drinks such as San Pellegrino sparkling lemon water Essenza is OK in the initial diet?
Makers say they have no sugars or artificial sweeteners and 0.91 Kilocalorie. I'm expecting a difficult time so trying to make it as easy as possible without compromising weightloss so just need a bit of reassurance.

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Hi @Fog On The Tyne well done for getting yourself prepared and trying to manage things in your control. When do you start the diet? Are you doing it through the Type 2 Path to Remission programme? Keep us posted on your progress, good luck with it all! :D
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Hi @Fog On The Tyne well done for getting yourself prepared and trying to manage things in your control. When do you start the diet? Are you doing it through the Type 2 Path to Remission programme? Keep us posted on your progress, good luck with it all! :D
Hi Mage 1, well today actually!
I'm not sure what that is - but I will go and have a look.
@Fog On The Tyne how are you getting on?
Hi NeoUser!
Thank you for asking. Not too bad really quite well till a couple of days ago - but getting back onto the powdery horse after a few days off! I've lost a stone in 4 weeks and BS from 7-11 range to 5-7ish.
It's dull! Very dull! But is a nice break from having to decide what to cook and fantastic to not have to go into supermarkets which feel a bit like delivering myself up willingly to the suits in food marketing. I know I am not able to resist their tricks to make us eat Ultra Processed Food. Reading Chris van Tulleken''s book has really helped.
Not sure if I will do another 4 or 8 weeks - I hope another 8 weeks then should be able to reach the 15 kilos target that will take me under my person fat storage threashold(that Dr Unwin talks about).
And been busy planning the very scary transition period. Going over to lowish carb and hoping hypnotherapy will help so getting a virtual gastric band at the end of the 12 weeks :) An adventure I am looking forward to.
I hope things are going well with you. x
Hi NeoUser!
Thank you for asking. Not too bad really quite well till a couple of days ago - but getting back onto the powdery horse after a few days off! I've lost a stone in 4 weeks and BS from 7-11 range to 5-7ish.
It's dull! Very dull! But is a nice break from having to decide what to cook and fantastic to not have to go into supermarkets which feel a bit like delivering myself up willingly to the suits in food marketing. I know I am not able to resist their tricks to make us eat Ultra Processed Food. Reading Chris van Tulleken''s book has really helped.
Not sure if I will do another 4 or 8 weeks - I hope another 8 weeks then should be able to reach the 15 kilos target that will take me under my person fat storage threashold(that Dr Unwin talks about).
And been busy planning the very scary transition period. Going over to lowish carb and hoping hypnotherapy will help so getting a virtual gastric band at the end of the 12 weeks :) An adventure I am looking forward to.
I hope things are going well with you. x
Glad you've been getting on well with things on the whole. Good to hear about your weight loss and BS readings have come down. What products are you using?
What's Chris Van Tulleken's book?
Wow, interesting to hear about the hypnotherapy and virtual gastric band. I have not heard of this before. How did you get to know about this?
Things are mostly okay with me thank you for asking.
I spoke a bit too soon NeoUser :( Had a very poor last 4 days. But trying to get back on that horse. Must do it. So much is not food / eating / hunger but psychological I think.
CvT's book s called Ultra processed People. Lots of interviews about it on You Tube.
Can I post this link here? I'll try.
Hypnotherapy gastric band, I saw it on tv years ago and know someone who has had one: Here is a link to the NHS hypnotherapy page that leads you to qualified hypnotherapists that the NHS:
The costs of these virtual operations vary greatly so it's a good idea to look through many if you are considering one. It's important that you get on with the hypnotist. Many do short chats to assess if you are a good fit (they don't hypnotise you in these chats lol! :) )
Best wishes.
I spoke a bit too soon NeoUser :( Had a very poor last 4 days. But trying to get back on that horse. Must do it. So much is not food / eating / hunger but psychological I think.
CvT's book s called Ultra processed People. Lots of interviews about it on You Tube.
Can I post this link here? I'll try.
Hypnotherapy gastric band, I saw it on tv years ago and know someone who has had one: Here is a link to the NHS hypnotherapy page that leads you to qualified hypnotherapists that the NHS:
The costs of these virtual operations vary greatly so it's a good idea to look through many if you are considering one. It's important that you get on with the hypnotist. Many do short chats to assess if you are a good fit (they don't hypnotise you in these chats lol! :) )
Best wishes.
I've just been doing a couple of shops to stock the freezer for what might be a wet Autumn - I go along to the shops on my EV - my mobility scooter, and it skids in the wet as there are so many manhole covers and potholes around here.

I have stocked up on joints of pork, beefburgers, chicken thighs, bacon, cheese, mushrooms, frozen berry mixtures, swede, frozen stir fry, coconut oil, olive oil, butter and lard - because I find that keeping to almost normal numbers of HbA1c is easy - my weight and size have been falling little by little - I put on some trousers I made a few years back and was a bit concerned that they might fall off whilst I was out. I need to make them several sizes smaller.

The thing is - it has been so easy just to eat a low carb diet and hardly put in any effort and today I had the surgery's new diabetes nurse congratulating me on my results and suggesting I go in to assist with her advice group. I feel as though I might develop imposter syndrome due to it being so simple to get where I have arrived.
I spoke a bit too soon NeoUser :( Had a very poor last 4 days. But trying to get back on that horse. Must do it. So much is not food / eating / hunger but psychological I think.
CvT's book s called Ultra processed People. Lots of interviews about it on You Tube.
Can I post this link here? I'll try.
Hypnotherapy gastric band, I saw it on tv years ago and know someone who has had one: Here is a link to the NHS hypnotherapy page that leads you to qualified hypnotherapists that the NHS:
The costs of these virtual operations vary greatly so it's a good idea to look through many if you are considering one. It's important that you get on with the hypnotist. Many do short chats to assess if you are a good fit (they don't hypnotise you in these chats lol! :) )
Best wishes.
Thanks for this, will check out the link and video.
You're right about a lot of this being psychological. I think I need to become more mindful of what I am eating and when I am doing it.
Hope you've been able to get 'back on the horse' since your last message.
Would love to be eating those Greggs sausage rolls but not sure how many sleazy snack bars on Gosforth High Street.
Harbottle any connection to the Rothbury area and bottle seems to be in a few NE place names as always remember playing rugby vs Walbottle.
Your Lindisfarne reference took me back to watching Alan Hull and the boys

Watch out, someone here doesn't like Lindisfarne, as my quote from their most famous song was censored!