
12th scale

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi im new to the group and have never joined a group before. Ive been diagnosed with type 2 about 10 months ago. Nice to be here.
Welcome to the forum @12th scale
I only joined a few weeks ago but have already found a lot of helpful information and support from people who have been living with diabetes for a long time. If you have questions it helps if you provide details of any medication you are on and your HbA1c reading. Have a browse through some of the previous posts in the Newbies group when you have a few minutes.
Welcome 12th scale
Yes welcome also, let us know where you are with your HbA1C and medication as that will indicate how much work you will need to do and what dietary approach will be suitable.
Hi im new to the group and have never joined a group before. Ive been diagnosed with type 2 about 10 months ago. Nice to be here.
Hi. Welcome to the forum. It's such a good place to learn and also not feel.alone with your diagnosis.
Thank you all for your warm welcome.
It's good to hear others have also felt alone as I do. My Dr even told me he doesn't understand diabetes and I should look on this site. Not helpful but I'm glad he knew about the site. My Hba1c level is 51, with out medication and 43 with 2 metformin.
I've been pri diabetes for about 8 years and although I'm obese changed how I ate, no drinks with sugar. Low fat and junk food ect.
However I wanted to know what the group thought about metformin. It really upsets my stomach making me sick during the night and feeling very bloated. However I'm still getting times when I'm feeling very thirsty, but also sweating, during the day and during the night. I also feel dizzy.
I don't know if this is the metformin or diabetes feeling very confused
Thank you all for your warm welcome.
It's good to hear others have also felt alone as I do. My Dr even told me he doesn't understand diabetes and I should look on this site. Not helpful but I'm glad he knew about the site. My Hba1c level is 51, with out medication and 43 with 2 metformin.
I've been pri diabetes for about 8 years and although I'm obese changed how I ate, no drinks with sugar. Low fat and junk food ect.
However I wanted to know what the group thought about metformin. It really upsets my stomach making me sick during the night and feeling very bloated. However I'm still getting times when I'm feeling very thirsty, but also sweating, during the day and during the night. I also feel dizzy.
I don't know if this is the metformin or diabetes feeling very confused
If the metformin is upsetting your stomach then I would discuss with your GP about dropping it and paying more attention to your diet. There is no need to go low fat and often those products are higher in carbohydrates, and it is all carbs that convert to glucose not just sugar.
As you only mention sugar I wonder if you realise that and are still having high carb foods.
Have a look at this link as it will give you some ideas of where you could make some changes to help which may then be enough without the metformin.