Newby here

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I recently found out I have diabetes type 2, and am awaiting my appointment with the nurse.
I'm not sure what to expect, I have zero knowledge so starting to learn from the beginning. I will be glad to find information here. Thank you
A typical, ordinary type 2 has trouble with carbohydrate - that is starch and sugar.
By removing the high carb foods and sticking to lower ones, plus doing some tests with a blood glucose meter to see how a meal has altered blood glucose it is normally not difficult to return to normal numbers, which often means feeling a lot better and more energetic.
Eating protein and the fat which comes with it usually sorts things out.
I avoid seed oils and am no longer getting sunburn which used to be so painful and restricted the time I could spend out of doors, even with factor 50 sunscreen so my time out in the fresh air is far more enjoyable and I get more exercise.
Welcome to the forum @Esta

I was just browsing another newcomer’s thread and a member here @Felinia had offered this thorough summary which you may find helpful

The Learning Zone is a great repository of information which you can work through gradually.

Many members here have also found Maggie Davey’s letter to the newly diagnosed to be a helpful introduction to life with T2.

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