Hi Anita, welcome to the forum
🙂 Very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I haven't been on metformin so I'm not sure what the transitional arrangements might be when changing to the sustained release version - perhaps they feel that you need to 'recover' from your previous experience by restarting at the lower dose and then building again?
Diabetes, particularly Type 2 can sneak up on you, and many people are picked up quite by chance. Have you been given a meter and test strips so that you can monitor your levels at home? If not, I would highly recommend asking for one, it is the best way of measuring the effect of adjustments you are mking to your diet and activity levels, and the effectiveness (or otherwise) of your medication.
I would recommend having a read of
Jennifer's Advice and
Maggie Davey's letter - these have long been considered the best starting points for people recently diagnosed, giving a practical assessment of what it all means and how to approach tackling it. Also,
Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker is highly recommended by many of our members, so worth getting a copy of.
Please let us know if there is any way we can help you, I look forward to hearing more from you