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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I am new to this was diagnosed Type 2 in early 2011, started on medication but has since been taken off as I am controlling my levele pretty well. My only issue is with hunger especially at nights, anyone out there with the same problem and how do you over come it:
Hello Ann. Welcome 🙂

I've put you in your own welcome thread. 🙂

I know some Type2's find that a low carb or carb-free small snack can help their waking blood sugars. It may also help with your hunger.

Hopefully someone more experienced in this can offer you advice.

Welcome to the forums annmorris 🙂

I would try the snack in the evening. Low GI snacks can help as well - such as raw vegetables, some berries.
peanut butter

Hi, I am new to this was diagnosed Type 2 in early 2011, started on medication but has since been taken off as I am controlling my levele pretty well. My only issue is with hunger especially at nights, anyone out there with the same problem and how do you over come it:
Hi ann i read peanut butter on toast is a good snack before bed..forgot where i read this but i have this on a nice bit of wholemeal of an evening....
Ann hi and a big welcome to the forum from me 🙂
Welcome from me Annmorris! As yourself I`m recently diagnosed T2 and have good control with diet/exercise/metformin. The hunger is something that I deal with easily! If my levels allow it, I will have a small snack! Usually a marmite sandwich. The reason for the hunger I put down to losing weight, so not so bad!
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