

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys just been diagnosed a week ago, so new to all this.
Are there any decent apps I could download to my phone.
Hi guys just been diagnosed a week ago, so new to all this.
Are there any decent apps I could download to my phone.
Hi, and welcome to the forum. I don't use any Apps but plenty of members do and I'm sure some will be along shortly with their recommendations.

In the meantime are you happy to share some info about your diabetes, eg your HbA1c, any meds, any advice on diet etc? Knowing your particular circumstances means that any advice can be tailored to your specific situation.
Welcome @Blueged13 🙂 I use MyFitnessPal when I want to keep track of my foods and macros. It’s not just for people with diabetes, but I find it interesting. Some people use apps to help them count their carbs.
I use NutraCheck which is UK based with thousands of foods in its database. There is a 7 day free trial then it's about £30 for a year's subscription. There is also MyFitnessPal which is USA based.
Welcome to the forum @Blueged13

While not necessarily an app, most of the content from Diabetes UK is designed to be accessed via smartphone and tablet as well as computer, including the forum and the main website, which is packed full of useful information.

You might also find the Learning Zone helpful (orange tab in the main menu) which has heaps of bite-sized modules that you can work through at your own pace.

Good luck, and let us know how you get on.

It can also be really helpful to just ask any questions here on the forum. you’ll generally get the shared experiences of lots of different people, with multiple different options and potential strategies to consider. Plus it sometimes helps to just vent and let off steam! 🙂