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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi Everyone,

My daughter aged 12 has recently been diagnosed with Type 1. Weve been through a whirlwind of emotions as her diagnosis was missed for a very long period. We are here now. I hope I can learn from others who are on the journey too x
Welcome to the forum @Nadia77

Sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis :(

It can be such an overwhelming experience to begin with, but take heart - there has never been a better time to be diagnosed with T1, and modern treatment options, gadgets and gizmos make it increasingly possible to live a ‘normal’ life with well managed glucose levels that can help protect against long-term nasties.

We have literally centuries of lived T1 experience on the forum, with all sorts of people living full and active lives, having families, careers, adventures, and managing to take their diabetes along for the ride.

It does come bundled with some frustrations, and the need to occasionally do things slightly differently, but diabetes shouldn’t stop her from doing or becoming anything she wants, from international sports champ, to rock star, or even prime minister 🙂

If you’ve not some across it yet, Ragnar Hanas’s book is often recommended as a very solid source of information about T1, and its management.

Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People

And keep firing away with any questions you have too. Nothing will be considered too obvious or ‘silly’ 🙂
Welcome @Nadia77 and Sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis. It’s shocking that her diagnosis took a long time. I hope that she’s feeling a lot better now she has the insulin she needs.
Hi and welcome from me too.

Really sorry to hear of your daughter's diagnosis and that there was a significant delay in diagnosis, but so pleased you now have appropriate treatment. Which insulins has your daughter been started on and how is she and you coping? My heart goes out to children and their parents who have to go through this. It is incredibly tough at first but I can assure you that it does get easier and the tech now available makes it so much easier and will no doubt continue to improve our quality of life as it advances.
Welcome to the forum @Nadia77
Sorry to hear of your daughter’s diagnosis but very pleased that you have found us.
Fire away with any questions that arise. Nothing is considered silly on here. Just ask.
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