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You're in the right place!
Hi @shazzamerch67 and welcome to the forum.
The main thing which has changed in the last 11yrs (apart from medications) is diet/lifestyle based T2D remissions which have become much more commonplace amongst those who find out it's possible !
HI everyone
Im Sharon, diabetic type 2 for 11 years now. Im hoping to learn a lot from you all
Would you like to say a bit more about how you currently manage your condition. If you read around the forum you will realise that people manage or in some cases struggle to manage in many different ways. Diet only, diet and oral meds, diet oral meds and insulin even as Type 2 which was a surprise to me when I first came to the forum.
But as Ian said ideas have changes over the years and it is now recognised how powerful a dietary regime that reduces the intake of foods i.e. carbohydrates that convert to glucose and thus increase blood glucose if the consumed in greater quantity than the body can cope with.
Is there anything that has brought you here now, do feel free to ask any question which people are usually all to willing to help with. What your HbA1C is will give a good idea of where you are at the moment.
Hi @shazzamerch67 Sharon, and welcome to the forum 🙂

If you don't mind answering, what led you to signing up with us, and is there anything specific you wanted to get some support with?

Just checking in, please do ask away with any questions you may have, we're all here to help 🙂
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