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Hi @sue g and welcome!

If you have any questions or want specific advice please feel free to ask. (It helps if you do, to tell us things like what if any medication you have been prescribed, and what your HbA1c was that led to diagnosis, so that we can bear those things in mind when answering questions or giving suggestions of what we would do in your place - please note that we can't give specific medical advice and there are a range of ways that people choose to manage/live with type 2 so individuals' suggestions will be coloured by our own choices)
If you haven't yet got yourself a glucose monitor, many of us find that a helpful tool to manage our situations.

All the best,
Welcome to the forum @sue g! Knowing where to get started following a type 2 diagnosis can be a challenge, and you may feel a bit overwhelmed. It’s important to know there isn’t a one-size fits all approach to managing the condition.

There is a wealth of knowledge here on the forum, and lots of amazing people to support you! 🙂 Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
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