Newbie with Gestational Diabetes

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes

I'm now 30 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes at 17 weeks.
First I was controlling it by diet then I got put on one metformin a day which was gradually increased to four and then last week I got put on insulin as well as the metformin.
I was getting low blood sugar readings pre meals between 3.0-4.0 and at my first clinic visit they changed my meter as they thought it was giving me false lows. On the second visit I saw a different consultant who was concerned at these lows and told me I had to snack more to keep my pre meal bs above 3.5. On my third clinic visit the original consultant I saw said I didn't need to worry about the lows and told me to stop doing pre meal blood tests as we know that I naturally go low.

On the insulin I'm now back to doing pre meal readings. I got put on 4 units in the morning and 2 at night, 2 days later this was reduced to 3 and 1 and now I'm on just 2 units in the morning because of mild hypos. When I think the insulin caused a low bs reading below 4, I definately felt different but when I go low without the insulin I don't feel any different even though my bs reading is the same!
I'm meant to have a reading of 7.8 one hr post meals and I do find that if my bs has dropped to below 3.5 then my post meal reading will be above this ranging from 8.2 -12.8 and the same food on different days can give completely different results. I feel like i'm in a circle where the lows are causing the highs and then the treatment that causes the low and so on! I've consulted a dietician and she said what I'm eating is fine so I'm very confused!!

Anyone have any similar experiences?
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