these forums anyway

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all, my handle here is mhtyler, but my name is mark. I'm here because I'm a type 2 diabetic for about 7.5 years and I'm a 69 year old male. I'm also in this particular place because even though I'm American I've found that the UK seems to be ahead of the curve on Type 2 Diabetes. I'm in my 2nd week on the Newcastle diet, and its given me the first real success I've had. My sugar was normal in only 7 days, and I lost 8 pounds just as he (Prof. Roy Taylor) said. This AM my sugar was 5.3 mmol/L which is the lowest reading I've ever had. I hope to learn about other's experience with it and T2DM in general. Cheers!
Welcome @mhtyler 🙂 I’m pleased you’re finding the Newcastle Diet so successful.
Thanks, do you know I tried to join a diabetes forum on Reddit, and they deleted my post for merely mentioning the Newcastle Diet, which they insist is dangerous...this after its been rolled out to all of the UK.
That’s mad @mhtyler o_O I’m Type 1 so I don’t know a lot of detail about the diet but I understand it has worked well and been properly studied.
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