I've been lurking a for few days so I thought I'd join and show my face so to speak!
My name's Sarah, I'm 27 and have been type1 for 23yrs
Control at the moment isnt great - not through lack of trying though! Even my DSN doesn't know why my sugars are all over the place...current HbA1c is about 10.2 I cant remember the last time it was at an acceptable level 😡
I went back to see my DSN last week and we talked about going on the pump - scary!
Anyway, that's a bit about me - nice to meet you all 🙂
I've been lurking a for few days so I thought I'd join and show my face so to speak!
My name's Sarah, I'm 27 and have been type1 for 23yrs
Control at the moment isnt great - not through lack of trying though! Even my DSN doesn't know why my sugars are all over the place...current HbA1c is about 10.2 I cant remember the last time it was at an acceptable level 😡
I went back to see my DSN last week and we talked about going on the pump - scary!
Anyway, that's a bit about me - nice to meet you all 🙂