Newbie T2 lacto-ovo vegetarian here

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, so I was diagnosed about a year ago and since then have little to no support from the gp they said they would send me on a food education course but to no avail so here I am trying to sort it out myself and I am struggling. Everything I read is about eating lower GI and low carb but all the veggie recipes seem to be pasta based . Any other veggies who can help me with good meal ideas? I hate mushrooms and cauli replacements like cauli mash/rice. Love most veg and eat pulses and beans quite a bit. I tend to make Mexican style foods as these can be made easily with beans or veggie Mince. I do use plant based meat replacements but they do seem a bit high in carb so am looking for fresh and filling ideas.

I have a slow cooker which I have brought out of storage now we are getting to casserole/stew weather.
Am I right in thinking you can eat dairy? If so what about a nice vegetable frittata with a huge salad and big blob of coleslaw. Great I’m hungry now so I have to get up :rofl:
Also do you have a soup maker? So many soups you could make, great for the time of year. I buy rustic keto rolls from Amazon (not cheap) I warm them and butter them then dunk them in my soups. So nice… that’s it, I’m getting up !

Chefs Ultra Low Carb Multiseed Hand Shaped Rustic Farmhouse Rolls 3 Packs of 4 x 75g
You can substitute pasta based on edamame beans or black beans which are low carb. Lots of dishes with butternut squash, celeriac which work well.
Cauldron veggie sausages are pretty low on carbs.
Eggs and cheese are good basis for a lot of dishes.
There are quite a lot of veggie recipes in the food/recipes forum (drop down top left) or internet search for low carb or keto recipes might give you some ideas.
I am not a great fan of cauliflower rice but added to a stirfry with spices it is not too bad or in a curry, cauliflower, chickpea and squash is my favourite with paneer or halloumi added.
Have a look at this link as there may be some ideas there which would suit you.
@PollyPocket what sort of food do you like? I'm not vegetarian but the majority of my diet is/was the same as yours most of my life. (I started eating fish again some years back)

Check out the food with photos thread. There's a lot of great ideas in there too. I do a lot of indian food, lots of Gujarati recipes which are traditionally very vegetarian. Lots of greens and lots of veg.

I tend to also use a lot of beans and pulses and lentils but I've noticed that I can tolerate more lentils than some others. I used a meter to test after meals to make sure I can continue eating the stuff I like in suitable sized portions.
You can substitute pasta based on edamame beans or black beans which are low carb. Lots of dishes with butternut squash, celeriac which work well.
Cauldron veggie sausages are pretty low on carbs.
Eggs and cheese are good basis for a lot of dishes.
There are quite a lot of veggie recipes in the food/recipes forum (drop down top left) or internet search for low carb or keto recipes might give you some ideas.
I am not a great fan of cauliflower rice but added to a stirfry with spices it is not too bad or in a curry, cauliflower, chickpea and squash is my favourite with paneer or halloumi added.
Have a look at this link as there may be some ideas there which would suit you.

Black beans are much the same carbs as any other bean.
Edamame beans are a lot less.
Black beans are much the same carbs as any other bean.
Edamame beans are a lot less.
Interestingly the edamame and mung bean pasta is the lowest at 11.3g carb per 100g, edamame bean 13.1g and blackbean pasta 14.3g per 100g
Interestingly the edamame and mung bean pasta is the lowest at 11.3g carb per 100g, edamame bean 13.1g and blackbean pasta 14.3g per 100g

I just eat the beans.
They are all much the same, apart from edamame.
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