newbie pip

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just got my sugar testing kit and am waiting to see dietician was was wondering if anyone here can tell me if flavoured rice cakes are ok to eat as a snack
Let's hope I can find this thread to get answer
Hi Pip, welcome to the forum 🙂 Have you been diagnosed long? There's probably quite a variety of rice cakes available, containing different amounts of carbohydrate, so it's best to check on the packet. All carbs will raise your blood sugar levels, so they may not be ideal to have as a snack - a lot will depend on how well your body tolerates them, and you can find this out by testing before you eat them and then again an hour afterwards. If there is a big rise in your blood sugar levels then they probably aren't a good idea and it would be worth looking for an alternative. 🙂
Pip hi and a warm welcome to the forum
Hi Pippa welcome to the forum.
hi pip cant help you with the rice cakes don't eat them ..but welcome to the forum 🙂
Welcome to the forum Pip 🙂

I think the answer is - only a BG meter will tell you if your body can tolerate them or not.

But as far as I know most rice cakes are around 95% carbs by weight. It's just that they are usually fairly light. I avoid them as I find them too more-ish (especially in savoury flavours).
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