Newbie needs help

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Been a diabetic for 7 years and now had to move to gluten free foods. Does anybody have a carb ratio for gluten free foods as im hypo-ing constantly!!!
Thanks emily
Hi Emily, welcome to the forum 🙂 I'm afraid I can't answer your question but I'm sure others will be able to help. Ratios will be different according to the individual so you may have to do some extra testing to determine how much you need to lower your dose by, or perhaps alter the timing if the food is digesting more quickly. Have you been diagnosed Coeliac? What insulin regime are you on?
Hi Emily,

I believe many GF foods are quite high GI, so are very rapidly absorbed and cause a quick spike and then drop in blood glucose. You might need to adjust the timing of your meal injections. Are you being diligent with avoiding gluten? Because otherwise you will be taking insulin for food which your intestines cannot absorb, and that will definitely lead to hypos.
Thanks for the replys!
Im on a insulin pump on novo rapid. Im being very careful about what foods im eating. Completely staying clear of normal food and am on gluten free for everything. I have just been finding I'm hypo a lot after eating so though they must have less carbs? Will have to lower my ratios.
Thanks for the replys!
Im on a insulin pump on novo rapid. Im being very careful about what foods im eating. Completely staying clear of normal food and am on gluten free for everything. I have just been finding I'm hypo a lot after eating so though they must have less carbs? Will have to lower my ratios.

The amount of carbs should be on the packaging. I suspect it's what Redkite has suggested, and the food is higher GI, so gets digested more quickly, in which case having your meal bolus earlier could help. It's with changes in diet like this that you could really do with a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) so you could watch the profile of what happens to your blood sugar levels after eating. I'd suggest doing a few tests at half-hourly intervals after eating to see if you get an early spike before your mealtime insulin has got working properly.
HI, GF food is no less in carbs I'm afraid, we find often there are more. If you are new to GF and had to move over because of coeliacs perhaps your digestive system is still in repair and food is moving too quick through it hence the hypo's ? We went through a bit of a rollercoaster when our little one went GF but all settled well now 🙂
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