newbie - Motown Pumper

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, I'm Brian, a 37 year old who's had T1 for just over a year. As I head toward my first anniversary pumping, thought I would share my experience to others as I see the last year as a success. I haven't been using insulin very long, I know there's so much more to learn - at the same time, I feel I have something to offer for others having to entertain this lovely disease. Here we go.......

My T1 diagnosis was preceded by a T2 mis-diagnosis in '08 by GP with extremely elevated A1c 14 along with many symptoms including massive thirst, weight loss, headaches & fatigue. All too often, a 2pm Saturday nap would turn into Sat evening. I wrote off much of what I was doing & feeling to extra long work hours and not eating 3 squares. In three months, with no second opinions and no visit to endo, my A1 had dropped to 6.8 with pills/diet/education & light exercise. This is where I pick-up carb counting. After holding A1 around 6.8 for a year and a half - with no change in regimen had started to feel "off" again in summer 2010. Along with general maliase, my BG's were high and I didn't want to eat.

I make the long-overdue decision to see an endo. Deep inside - I feared taking insulin and everything else that may have been running through my head. Then in Aug 2010, I visit my endo for first time - we reveal T1 diagnosis 9.2 and immediately start MDI's (Levemir 1X-morning and Humalog 3X + corrections). With MDI's, we walk A1c down to 6.5 in three months, with no-shortage of low/near-low episodes......could never have enough glucose tabs in tow.

It's at this same time, we trial cgm for one week to id kinks in MDI therapy. I learn two things: 1) my timing was off (late with injections) and 2) I'm sold at use of cgm. I consider MDI/cgm and pump/cgm as options. Given inputs from my endo and own research, I opt for pump/cgm. From there, my endo coordinated visits with pump reps, insurance paperwork, and pump/cgm training.

It was late Nov '10 when I started pumping and 2 weeks later we brought cgm on board. I've maintained the 6.5's with a very limited number of lows - much of which I attribute to cgm allowing me to head-off highs and lows. Of course, I still have my bouts with highs and lows, but take my notes and move-on. While in doc's office for foot check mid-October (wasn't seeing endo this visit) I asked for A1c check - Was surprised & elated to see 6.0. As my transition from summer to fall was challenging, I'm expecting higher number on endo checkup closer to my 1-year.

This past year was my best year in a long time.......

Hi Brian, welcome to the forum 🙂 Great to see that you finally got the correct diagnosis and have really been able to manage your diabetes well over the past year. You are a great example of how the best of available technology can really help someone achieve good control and start to feel that diabetes is something to be respected and tolerated, but no longer feared 🙂

Unfortunately, the combination of diabetes + insulin pump + CGM is as rare as hen's teeth here in the UK, regardless of its obvious advantages. Our health service is reluctant to pay except under exceptional circumstances for such expensive pieces of equipment - there are around 3.5% of Type1s on pumps and a much smaller proportion on CGMs (and a lot of those will be self-funded). Our health service is excellent in many respects, but sometimes fails to recognise that investing in short-term costs may bring long-term benefits - such as better control leading to fewer expensive to treat complications.

Thankyou for telling us your story - I hope you continue to do well! If there is ever anything we can do to help you, then please do let us know 🙂
Welcome to the forum 🙂 Lovely to hear how well you're getting on so well with the pump/cgm!
Welcome to the forums Brian 🙂
Hi Brian and a warm welcome to the forum
hi welcome to the forum
Hi Brian. Welcome 🙂

As has been said, most of us don't get to see CGMs, let alone actually touch them, but it sounds like you've got the sort of care that should available to all. Well done on being so positive about it and long may it continue.🙂

Thanks everyone!

I hope the technology availability improves in time. Knowing the issues at hand, I was hesitant at joining. However, I like what I see in this forum and wanted to take part.

Thanks again......
Welcome to the forum , Nice to see how well youve sorted your diabetes in a year 🙂
A little hello from me, Brian. Not being a Type 1 myself I'm probably not going to be talking too much to you about diabetes, but I may chip in every now and then nonetheless, depending on where you post.

I hope you stick around.

Andy 🙂
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