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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
77 years of age not in good health, have mobility issues and my Perepheral neuropathy is getting worse in fingers and feet. Having problems with finger pricks to monitor my Sugars and would welcome advice on Libre System and dietary advice. Currently 95 LILOs and will start a serious diet on Tuesday next on return from holiday. SL6 Post Code would welcome a FB friend in a similar situation to Buddy Up whilst dieting and share information. I hope this post is allowed
77 years of age not in good health, have mobility issues and my Perepheral neuropathy is getting worse in fingers and feet. Having problems with finger pricks to monitor my Sugars and would welcome advice on Libre System and dietary advice. Currently 95 LILOs and will start a serious diet on Tuesday next on return from holiday. SL6 Post Code would welcome a FB friend in a similar situation to Buddy Up whilst dieting and share information. I hope this post is allowed
Welcome to the forum.
Perhaps you would like to share a bit more information as what advise will be appropriate will depend on your situation regarding what medication you are taking and what your HbA1C is and how you have been managing your condition up to now. How long is it since your diagnosis?
What problems do you have with your finger prick monitor and we may be able to help you with that.
I have no experience of the Libre but it is not necessarily as straightforward as the TV adverts imply and it does have limitations and you need to knowledge to interpret the data and not over react non the less many do find them useful.
You can apply for a free trail of one sensor which lasts 2 weeks but you need a compatible mobile phone, details on the Abbott website. To buy they cost about £40 for one which lasts 2 weeks.
Are you on any medication for the peripheral neuropathy as there are some which people find do help.
Residing in Greece when diagnosed a Diabetic about 6 years ago. Prescribed Zomarist 50mg/1000mg (a mixture of Metformin and ? Now under U.K. medical and prescribed Forxiga 10 mg.
Sugars not under control on one tablet but on holiday and now seriously watching my diet.
Sensations in finger tips make it difficult to get the tub open and take a strip out and can not feel the pricks so wary of further damaging my fingers. Also unable to hold a pen to record the readings, find it easier on my previous Greek Contour with Smartphone automated record.
No medication as yet for Peripheral neuropathy but have been waiting since April for an appointment with a Haematologist and will meet on the 30th of October. Serious blood disorder, I believe.
Past 14 Days have averaged 133mg/dl 7.4mmol/L
Welcome to the forum @Bill1947

Sorry to hear about the difficulties in fingerstick checking from the reduced sensation in your fingertips. That must make things hard for you :(

If you have a compatible smartphone, Libre offers a free trial sensor which you could try for a fortnight.

Libre aren’t usually offered on prescription unless people are taking insulin to help manage their glucose levels, and they are fairly expensive to self-fund, but you may be able to convince your Dr because of the specific challenges you have around self-monitoring with fingersticks if they support your use of BG checks to help with your diabetes management (some GPs and nurses advise against BG monitoring unless you are on hypo-inducing meds).

There used to be the Accu-chek Mobile that had 50 BG tests in a cassette removing the need for fiddling with strips, but that’s been discontinued in the UK, and I am not aware of a replacement product :(