Newbie Introduction!


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone,

My names Ben and I am new here! I've joined the forums to engage with the Diabetes community as my dad has recently lost a limb to diabetes and I want to take advantage of the many great resources that Diabetes UK and it's community have available. I am starting here looking for signposting towards the best way to look for/ask for support groups in my parent's local area.

My dad, Lawrence, is 73 and just had a below the knee amputation of his left leg. He has been in hospital in Sheffield for over 9 weeks fighting off a pressure sore that eventually devolved into the need for amputation. He has come through the operation well and the doctors have seen him today, commenting how well the surgical site is healing and talking about next steps for his recovery; physical rehabilitation, dietician and diabetes services as well as mental health. Thank goodness for the NHS and the amazing work they do!

I think that both of my parents would benefit from finding a local support group for diabetics and family. Meeting with people in similar circumstances, making friends and sharing stories, recipes, resources and more is going to be instrumental in making both my parents lives easier over the coming months. I have tried using Google to find local groups in their area (Barnsley/Elsecar) but have not had much luck so far so here I am!

I looked through the forum's various categories and didn't find one that felt completely focused on the purposes I have mentioned above so I am appealing to you community for guidance and (hopefully!) the details of some support groups in the local area I could get in contact with. My mum drives and would be prepared to travel a reasonable distance to join a group.

I appreciate any and all responses and look forward to being part of the community in the future!

Hello there @benji1985 and I'd like to say welcome to the forum.Im so sorry to read about what has happened to your dad regarding his knee amputation and my thoughts and prayers are with him.
Hi Ben and welcome to the forum, though I'm sorry for the reasons you've had to join. You may want to give the helpline a ring: 0345 123 2399 to see if there are any groups in your area.
Regarding amputation, I'm tagging @MikeyBikey as he may be able to provide some useful information as he has sadly been through the process (thanks in advance Mikey)
Welcome to the forum @benji1985

Kind of you to join here to help your Dad. I second @Vonny ’s suggestion of calling the Helpline - the friendly and knowledgeable advisers should be able to offer you some helpful suggestions 🙂

Glad your Dad’s op went well, and that his recovery is going well.

How long has your Dad been living with diabetes? What type does he have?