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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

just been diagnosed with T2D post kidney transplant, currently doing intermittent fasting and dieting to try and get my hbA1c down.
Hi All

just been diagnosed with T2D post kidney transplant, currently doing intermittent fasting and dieting to try and get my hbA1c down.
Welcome to the forum. That is quite an experience to undergo but hopefully it will improve your life, it must have been a bit of a bombshell to get a diabetes diagnosis.
I would assume you will be on immunosuppressant medication and those can cause people to develop diabetes as a side effect.
Would you like to share what your HbA1C is as that will give an idea of how much work you will need to do. Some people find intermittent fasting helpful but others don't as the liver releases glucose in the absence of food so that can elevate blood glucose. Many find a low carb approach successful that being no more than 130g carbs per day, it is not NO carbs. This link may give you some ideas for modifying your diet along those lines.
Whatever you choose has to be enjoyable otherwise it will not be sustainable which it needs to be especially if you are taking the immunosuppressant meds long term.
I hope all goes well for your recovery.
just been diagnosed with T2D post kidney transplant, currently doing intermittent fasting and dieting to try and get my hbA1c down.

Welcome to the forum @milotews

Gosh what a tough time you’ve been having :(

How long ago was your kidney transplant? Hope the recovery went (is going) well, and the transplant is helping. Were you on dialysis beforehand?

How long have you been trying IF? Are you monitoring your glucose levels to see how your BGs are responding?