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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there, diagnosed a week ago. Feeling slightly overwhelmed at the moment. My level was 117 and also had elevated cholesterol. My eating and drinking habits have never been great but this year it got out of hand. We lost our beloved dog and then my mum to cancer two months ago. Started on Gliclazide and Atorvastatin. Already feel better physically but so confused about what I should or shouldn't be eating.
Hi there, diagnosed a week ago. Feeling slightly overwhelmed at the moment. My level was 117 and also had elevated cholesterol. My eating and drinking habits have never been great but this year it got out of hand. We lost our beloved dog and then my mum to cancer two months ago. Started on Gliclazide and Atorvastatin. Already feel better physically but so confused about what I should or shouldn't be eating.
Welcome to the forum.
As it is bedtime, have a look at this link for some good explanation about what changes to make to your diet and some menu plans and recipes for low carb meals, this is an approach which many find successful.
Look to reducing your carbs gradually as the medication you are on can potentially cause low blood glucose so go easy to start with, your GP should have prescribed a monitor and test strips, if they haven't then ask.
Welcome to the forum @Janey206

So sorry to hear about your double-bereavement :( Dealing with one lot of grief can be challenging enough, but it must be even harder to have two experiences overlaying and intermingling. Plus a diagnosis with diabetes can bring about its own version of a form of grieving, so do be kind to yourself, and reach out to your GP for extra support if you begin to notice changes in the way you are behaving. Cruse the national grief charity may be able to offer you a course of counselling sessions that might help you begin to work through son of your thoughts and feelings.

We have a whole range of different approaches to eating represented on the forum. Some use calorie restriction to aim for weight loss, others use a lower carbohydrate approach to focus on improving glucose levels, still others use a combination / blended approach.

There are a variety of meal plans and strategies here that might get you started?

Additionally there’s a downloadable e-book here with some good basic information about things to consider
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