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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all,

Thanks for letting me join, I've had a hell of a diabetic journey.

Diagnosed as Type 2 in 2006, that changed to MODY in 2012 and in the last few days I'm now a LADA diabetic.

A HbA1c of 114 and blood sugar levels of 32 makes me confused as hell and doubting everything I've been told for the last 17 years.
Blimey mate - most BG meters only read up to 33 and any higher, just say HI - very friendly I'm sure but not a lot of help.

Anyway presumably you now have insulin to assist?
Blimey mate - most BG meters only read up to 33 and any higher, just say HI - very friendly I'm sure but not a lot of help.

Anyway presumably you now have insulin to assist?
Thank you Jenny.

Yeah I was in hospital for four days with hyperglycemia and the ambulance meter only when up to 30 ha!

I'm being moved to insulin Tresiba and NovoRapid, waiting for the prescription to come in.

It's why I joined, was recommended by my diabetic nurse to join to get past the... let's say dubious advice elsewhere on the web
Hi markhall, welcome to the forum.

Wow, what a journey you've been on! I'm not surprised by your scepticism, though it's not uncommon for some to have been misdiagnosed.

It's good to hear that you've been put on new medication which should hopefully make you feel better and begin the journey of getting your numbers within a good range.

These things can take a bit of time though so do have a look around the site and feel free to ask any questions you may have as we're here to support you along this journey.
Now you are on insulin you'll soon(ish) be back in control. Didn't they give you some insulin to be going on with? I'd be kicking up a stink to get that insulin asap
Thank you Jenny.

Yeah I was in hospital for four days with hyperglycemia and the ambulance meter only when up to 30 ha!

I'm being moved to insulin Tresiba and NovoRapid, waiting for the prescription to come in.

It's why I joined, was recommended by my diabetic nurse to join to get past the... let's say dubious advice elsewhere on the web
There can indeed be dubious advice in some places on the jolly ole web, so I'm pleased your nurse sent you here! Is she a nurse attached to the hospital diabetes clinic, ie a Specialist Diabetes Nurse or the ordinary nurse who does shedloads of things for all sorts of patients at your GP surgery?

Another question, what meter and strips etc have you been issued with and when are you told to use it?
Hello @markhall and welcome to the forum 🙂

We have quite a few people here who have been misdiagnosed as type 2 initially, but I think you might take the record for length of time getting a (hopefully) more accurate diagnosis! 😱

Hope you get the insulin soon, you must be feeling lousy with blood sugar that high. Have they taught you to inject yourself? And have they told you to bring your blood sugar down slowly to protect your eyes? And to have some hypo treatments ready in case it comes down more quickly than you expect?!
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