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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Good afternoon
Hope everyone is fine! I’m a parent of a type 1 diabetic, he’s had it for 8 years diagnosed with ketones and admitted to hospital when 22 so really knocked his world! and mine - we’ve really struggled from day one, it just seems we have to cope alone and not really understanding everything, my son has mental health issues so doesn’t engage very well with the health professionals but I also feel sometimes if I don’t shout for his care they would leave him, he’s not good at taking blood sugars doesn’t eat the best but I do offer to cook different meals daily just really looking to see any help I can get for him - he does struggle a lot just putting feelers out if you get what I mean
Thank you
Welcome @Jomouse68 🙂 Has your son asked about getting a Libre? He could then scan rather than finger-prick (but would need to do some finger-pricks too).

Does he carb count and adjust his fast/meal insulin according to the carbs he’s about to eat?
Do you think having a book that you could refer to would help him and you? There’s an excellent book that’s often recommended here. Ignore the title - it’s good for adults too:

Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas. It’s very popular here, and it’s good to have something to refer to in moments of uncertainty, or just as a learning aid.

And do feel free to ask whatever questions you want. Nothing is silly or too trivial.
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