Newbie here , borderline reading?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello , I’m sorry if I sound like a panic bottom but here goes, I having a heart thing looked into at the moment and also been told I’m on my way to type 2 .
I woke with a start this morning with a racing heart , not unusual….any who I waited for it to go down and got up long story short, I did all my normal stuff took my pills etc and sat still for a while but I still felt on high alert although my heart rhythm is fine blood pressure ok ( I’m only keeping records because I’m at hospital Monday and my heart has to be under 60 ) so I thought I’ll test my sugar which I only do once in a blue moon it was 8.6 before any food etc which says borderline, you with experience please can you tell my what borderline means do I need to eat or what ? I thought maybe I felt weird because my sugar level was low , I’ve cut down dramatically stay away from as much sugar as possible and eat healthier I have lost 16lb so far
Hi @Hazel1010 and welcome to the forum.

It really can be difficult to get a perspective on things diabetic and this is not helped when there is something else going on which is taking up all the attention of the medics.

My guess is that in amongst the blood tests done as part of investigations into your heart, a HbA1c will have been done and this has come back at lower than 48 (the diagnosis limit for diagnosis) but above 42 (the diagnosis limit for at risk of diabetes). Rather than give you the numbers, the people looking after you have used the rather vague term borderline. The other thing I would say is that one off blood glucose results do not tell you very much and that it is not wise to react to them - you need enough readings to see patterns to before reacting. If your diet is focussed on reducing weight and that is working, then keep going! Chances are if you need to loose weight and that is happening, the diabetes will take care of itself.

In your position I would park the diabetes and concentrate on getting your heart problems sorted. That has got to be your priority. When that that has been done, then return to the diabetes and think about ways of making sure that being borderline does not turn into a full diagnosis. That is something we on the forum will only be too happy to help with. Let us know how you get on.
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Morning thankyou , hopefully I should have answers on the heart thing soon so fingers crossed , thank you for your reply
Any sort of fear, panic, or stress will put BG up, even when the rational part pf the brain says that it is not a problem. A fast heart would do this, so a reading a bit high is not a problem here either.
Was the reading you took from a blood glucose monitor you already have at home, if so you must have had some suspicion that your blood glucose levels were not as good as they could be. As said stress can put up your levels.
I was not clear from your post whether you have actually been diagnosed as Type 2 already. It may still be worth testing to get a better picture of your levels before and after eating to rule out reasons for symptoms.
I sympathise as I have superventricular tachycardia (heart randomly races to 170 sometimes for hours, and is terrifying) and type 2. Ironically both diagnosed in an ambulance on the same day! I had not seen a gp for two years. Still haven't. I hope you are ok. I got given beta blockers to regulate my heart, until they can get me to cardiology (months). Good work on the weight loss.
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