Newbie, first time with Victoza injection


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I thought I would be fine, I’ve planned for today and now find myself freaking out. I have my pen all ready and just need to find my confidence to inject myself. Have others found it ok? I’m sure it’ll be fine once I get over the first one.
I thought I would be fine, I’ve planned for today and now find myself freaking out. I have my pen all ready and just need to find my confidence to inject myself. Have others found it ok? I’m sure it’ll be fine once I get over the first one.
UPDATE; plucked up enough courage, first injection is the first day of my new diabetic journey
Hello @Kieron ,

Thank you so much for joining our online community. I know some people have struggled with injecting themselves. What do you think may have caused your anxiety.
I’m sure it’ll be fine once I get over the first one.

I suspect you’re probably right @Keiron - did you manage to overcome your initial apprehension?

Welcome to the forum :)
Have others found it ok? I’m sure it’ll be fine once I get over the first one.

Everybody taking insulin (and so everyone with Type 1) manages to do it, obviously with varying ease. (Some proportion, I assume low?, have real problems with injecting themselves.)

I'm afraid for almost everyone it's just a question of doing what you're doing: prepare well so you're sure you understand what you're doing and have everything ready, then do it. And the next time with any luck it'll be easier, and so on.

(I suspect many of us who've used Libre found the first application of that a bit disconcerting too, in a rather similar way. But you get used to it with practice.)
I suspect you’re probably right @Keiron - did you manage to overcome your initial apprehension?

Welcome to the forum :)
Thank you, yes I did, took me 2 hours but I managed my first one. Didn’t hurt, was just the initial anxiety of injecting myself and I panicked. I know the benefits hopefully will result eventually in bring my levels on track so will need to persevere, small steps but I’m over my first hurdle, thank you
Everybody taking insulin (and so everyone with Type 1) manages to do it, obviously with varying ease. (Some proportion, I assume low?, have real problems with injecting themselves.)

I'm afraid for almost everyone it's just a question of doing what you're doing: prepare well so you're sure you understand what you're doing and have everything ready, then do it. And the next time with any luck it'll be easier, and so on.

(I suspect many of us who've used Libre found the first application of that a bit disconcerting too, in a rather similar way. But you get used to it with practice.)
Thank you, I panicked and it took me 2 hours but I managed it. It has to be done as I’m aware of the benefits I hope to achieve in time. Thank you for showing support. I hope day by day I’ll be more confident and be able to do the injections without worry or anxiety. Thank you for taking the time to message, it’s good to have support when it’s needed as living on my own I don’t have someone to say ‘now come on’.....
Hello @Kieron ,

Thank you so much for joining our online community. I know some people have struggled with injecting themselves. What do you think may have caused your anxiety.
I think it was just that initial unknown fear of injecting myself for the first time got to me, but I managed it after talking some sense into myself. Appreciate the time to message, much appreciated. It’s good to know I can reach out
Well done @Kieron That first one is scary but you have done it and the next one will be a lot easier.

I remember expecting it to be a lot harder to get the needle through my skin, and whacked it far too hard. The needles are so sharp that it just goes in and you soon learn.

Well done. Give yourself a big pat on the back.
Well done @Kieron

Glad to read your update, and that you managed it.

It is quite normal and natural for it to feel a bit unnerving and freaky about sticking steel needles into yourself!

But don’t worry, for the vast majority of people it soon becomes second nature.

The next one should be much easier, and the one after that easier still!