Newbie: Diabetes Burnout


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

I'm new to this forum but I've been managing my Type 2 for the last 8 years and managed to get it into remission within the first 18 months due to diet and exercise and weight loss (5 stone in total). I was able to come off meds and manage it through diet only. I've kept it in remission until this last 12 months.

Now, I've gained a bit of weight (74kg and size 14), partly down to post menopause, and its back!. Cant seem to lose any body fat whatever i do (calorie control, weight training, etc) I'm back on Metformin and hating it. It doesn't seem to be having any noticeable affect on my blood sugar levels and I just feel nauseous all the time (i will discuss this with my diabetes nurse next time i see her). I'm in a frame of mind that i'm just sick and fed up of having to 'manage' this disease. I resent it so much and I'm tired of fighting. I just want to be 'normal'. I know all the right things to do... healthy diet, plenty of exercise....just cant find the motivation or the energy to do it any more.

I would love to hear from anyone who has been through this mindset and how you managed to come through the other side. Also I'd love to hear from any post menopausal ladies on how you manage your type 2 during this phase of life.
Hi @Bobbie096, welcome to the forum. Glad you've found us, especially as you're going through your current struggles. I get the sense this is incredibly frustrating for you, given that you were in remission. It's perfectly normal to feel sick, fed-up and resentful in having to live with diabetes. You're not alone in trying to find the motivation and energy, but also from what you've said, going through the menopause will have played a big part in your sugar levels rising.

We've got a remission forum for information and support which you can find in the following link, in the hope that you will find inspiration to try for remission again:

There will be many people in this community to offer support but also, do know that our helpline advisors are also available to offer support and guidance.
Welcome @Bobbie096 🙂 I’ve been through diabetes burnout but I’m Type 1 so it’s a bit different for me and most of my advice wouldn’t be relevant.

What I would say though is not to be disheartened. You know the cause of its return and are trying to lose weight. Have you looked at reducing carbs? What was your most recent HbA1C?
I would love to hear from anyone who has been through this mindset and how you managed to come through the other side.
I found getting to remission easier than maintaining it because back then I was on a mission, but I've had more than one spell since where I've been fed up with the whole business. I'll admit to having the occasional 'sod diabetes' day, but without being careless. What does keep me motivated, and puts me back on track, is the knowledge of what could happen if I don't stay on top of things.
Less than 3 months in I'm completely fed up, so after all you have been through I'm not surprised that you are feeling burn out.
Time to be very kind to yourself I feel, are you able to have some time out, treat yourself to a new book, a manicure, what ever you like and then get back on it?
Hi @Bobbie096, welcome to the forum. Glad you've found us, especially as you're going through your current struggles. I get the sense this is incredibly frustrating for you, given that you were in remission. It's perfectly normal to feel sick, fed-up and resentful in having to live with diabetes. You're not alone in trying to find the motivation and energy, but also from what you've said, going through the menopause will have played a big part in your sugar levels rising.

We've got a remission forum for information and support which you can find in the following link, in the hope that you will find inspiration to try for remission again:

There will be many people in this community to offer support but also, do know that our helpline advisors are also available to offer support and guidance.
Thank you
Get thee to thy doctor and tell them exactly what you've just told us please! There ARE other glucose reducing drugs but at the VERY least Metformin SR - slow release - is usually kinder to the tummy than bog standard Metformin pills. And - if HRT happens to be mentioned - or even blood tests to judge the current state of play of yours - grab it with both hands!
I would say I am far more fed up with the residual pain in my knee from my accident and arthritis in my shoulders than keeping to a dietary regime which I find enjoyable and not difficult with the variety of foods I can still eat, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables, salads, dairy, berries, nuts.
I found this way of eating by following the principals in the link. It may give you some ideas for a new way of looking at your diet.
The main thing which keeps me on track is my clothes size. I had a bad few months last October to March, hernia op, my dad dying and just general "poor me". Before I knew it I'd put nearly a stone on and my clothes were starting to feel very small indeed. Luckily the weather started picking up (though not as much as I'd have liked!) and I was able to start walking again. I've lost most of the weight again, it's been a hard slog, but my clothes fit again which is reward enough. I can't comment about the menopause I'm afraid because I was already past it when I was diagnosed.
Wishing you luck x
Hi all

I'm new to this forum but I've been managing my Type 2 for the last 8 years and managed to get it into remission within the first 18 months due to diet and exercise and weight loss (5 stone in total). I was able to come off meds and manage it through diet only. I've kept it in remission until this last 12 months.

Now, I've gained a bit of weight (74kg and size 14), partly down to post menopause, and its back!. Cant seem to lose any body fat whatever i do (calorie control, weight training, etc) I'm back on Metformin and hating it. It doesn't seem to be having any noticeable affect on my blood sugar levels and I just feel nauseous all the time (i will discuss this with my diabetes nurse next time i see her). I'm in a frame of mind that i'm just sick and fed up of having to 'manage' this disease. I resent it so much and I'm tired of fighting. I just want to be 'normal'. I know all the right things to do... healthy diet, plenty of exercise....just cant find the motivation or the energy to do it any more.

I would love to hear from anyone who has been through this mindset and how you managed to come through the other side. Also I'd love to hear from any post menopausal ladies on how you manage your type 2 during this phase of life.
I'm very new to my diagnosis and I'm not post menopausal but I am perimenopausal and on HRT. I definitely credit peri with being the think that pushed me from pre-diabetes to type 2. I was always classicly pear shaped with a relatively low waist circumference comparitive to my size but peri made me gain abdominal fat (even though I weigh a little less at diagnosis than I did in my pre-diabetes days). Peri has made me anxious, stressed and I have panic attacks which I never had before so I'm guessing stress hormones are pushing up my blood sugars.
I would be reluctant to try to give advice to someone who has handled this horrible condition for so long, so well, compared to me with my less than a month's experience. I will say that I'm guiding my food and managing low carb using the Freshwell app and I'm 9lbs down since diagnosis and have lost 9cm off my waist so it is working on that stubborn hard to shift tummy fat.
And, I don't know if it helps, but hearing about someone who managed remission and stayed there for so many years is very inspiring to me. I hope that a sense of accomplishment for what you have achieved might balance the burnout some days.
I'm in a frame of mind that i'm just sick and fed up of having to 'manage' this disease. I resent it so much and I'm tired of fighting. I just want to be 'normal'. I know all the right things to do... healthy diet, plenty of exercise....just cant find the motivation or the energy to do it any more.

I think most of us go through periods of feeling just like that from time to time. You aren’t alone. Managing a long-term condition like diabetes is hard work - and there’s a balance to be struck between looking after it effectively, but without it consuming your every waking thought, and all of your resources.

You are also going through a significant change with the menopause, and that needs to be adjusted to, and worked through as well.

These phases often pass by on their own - hopefully you’ll feel more yourself soon. Hang in there. Sometimes just doing enough is enough.
Welcome @Bobbie096 🙂 I’ve been through diabetes burnout but I’m Type 1 so it’s a bit different for me and most of my advice wouldn’t be relevant.

What I would say though is not to be disheartened. You know the cause of its return and are trying to lose weight. Have you looked at reducing carbs? What was your most recent HbA1C?
Last HbA1c was 54mmol/mol
Get thee to thy doctor and tell them exactly what you've just told us please! There ARE other glucose reducing drugs but at the VERY least Metformin SR - slow release - is usually kinder to the tummy than bog standard Metformin pills. And - if HRT happens to be mentioned - or even blood tests to judge the current state of play of yours - grab it with both hands!
Thanks. Got a consult with my nurse planned for next week to see if the meds can be changed. Fed up of feeling sick all the time..🙄
I think most of us go through periods of feeling just like that from time to time. You aren’t alone. Managing a long-term condition like diabetes is hard work - and there’s a balance to be struck between looking after it effectively, but without it consuming your every waking thought, and all of your resources.

You are also going through a significant change with the menopause, and that needs to be adjusted to, and worked through as well.

These phases often pass by on their own - hopefully you’ll feel more yourself soon. Hang in there. Sometimes just doing enough is enough.
thank you for the encouragement. I appreciate it
Thanks. Got a consult with my nurse planned for next week to see if the meds can be changed. Fed up of feeling sick all the time..🙄

Hope it goes well. Let us know how you get on 🙂