Newbie Alert

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I’m KS and I’ve been diagnosed with type 2 for a few months now. Nice to meet everyone
Welcome to the forum @KS1

If you’re happy to share (the forum pages are public), let us know a little about how your diagnosis came about.

Was it discovered as part of a routine check-up? Or had you been told you were at risk of diabetes? Do you have anyone in your close family with diabetes or has it come out of the blue?

Have you been given much information on how to make a start in managing your diabetes? Sometimes there are courses like DESMOND for people newly diagnosed, but this differs by area.

Keep firing away with any questions you have - nothing will be considered ‘too obvious’ or silly.
It was through routine blood tests but I’ve always said it was due to stress.
Seem to be the only one in the family to get all the bad things!
I’ve not had much advise and been left to my own devices. I’ve looked into those courses. I feel like I’m managing it well. I got a CGM to see what spiked the BG and can cut those out. I’m about 80% in range normally and recover from spikes much quicker. I’m just feeling tired and have pain behind my ear. Everything points to uncontrolled sugars but I think I’m managing well. Hoping I can get some help from the forums as living in my own head is making things worse
Be kind to yourself. Adjusting to a diagnosis with diabetes can take a while - and no two people’s experiences will be quite the same.

For some it’s a huge relief. For others it’s a catalyst for them to enthusiastically embrace a new healthy lifestyle. Others will go through a process very like grieving, with an intense jumble of emotions including anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance - sometimes all on the same day!

80% time in range does seem like your glucose levels are much improved!

There can be lots of possible reasons for tiredness and fatigue, so it might be worth having a chat with your Dr if your weariness continues. Vitamin imbalances and things like thyroid are sometimes flagged on the forum where folks are excessively tired.

Hopefully your body will begin to adjust to your newly lowered glucose levels and you’ll get your energy back soon.

You might find The Learning Zone a helpful source of information - it’s packed with bite-sized modules you can work through at your own pace.
Thanks for your reply and the link to the learning zone.
It’s hard when you think you’ve improved your lifestyle but feel worse because of it.
It’s not been too bad a change. Everyone takes my size and makes assumptions that I eat unhealthy but they are far from the truth. It’s just how you’re made sometimes
Many on the forum find that as they optimise their way of eating to suit their metabolism / glucose levels better their weight adjusts automatically as part of the new balance.
Thanks for your reply and the link to the learning zone.
It’s hard when you think you’ve improved your lifestyle but feel worse because of it.
It’s not been too bad a change. Everyone takes my size and makes assumptions that I eat unhealthy but they are far from the truth. It’s just how you’re made sometimes
Often people think they are eating healthily but what may be so for someone without diabetes may not be so for people with Type 2 where they struggle to cope with carbohydrates.
This link has some good explanation and some menu plans to give you some ideas for modifying your diet.
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