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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi. My name is Karen, I’m a MODY, have been for 6 years. my daughter was having trouble with gestational diabetes so her team asked me and my husband to take a blood test. This went to Exeter, we got a sheet of random letters and description s back, this went into our daughter’s hospital file, we never got a copy or an explanation. Our daughter got told “that she didn’t stand a chance - both parents carry MODY different strains”.

I’ve asked my drs to write to the hospital requesting a copy to go to my file as too my husband . No result.

Fast forward my new dr ( moved house/area )wants me to take more tablets in a morning to get me more “ normal “. Last time my tablets were upped, I dived to 5 and passed out. Does he know what he is doing.? I’m a bag of nerves.

HI @karen.adkin and welcome to the forum 🙂

Thanks for sharing about your experience living with MODY, although I'm very sorry to hear it hasn't been exactly 'smooth sailing' accessing your results, or getting further support with your diagnosis. I hope that the hospital in Exeter do assist further with getting these in due course.

We are so sorry to hear of what you're going through, for you to be worried about the medication change is completely understandable.

Whilst we can't give medical advice, we can offer a listening ear, give some emotional support, and general guidance (including around diabetes management and giving some general information around 'lows' or hypos) on our helpline number - this number is at the top right of this page. Should you want to have a chat with one of our advisors, please feel free to give us a call, we're open 9am - 6pm Monday-Friday.

We'd also say to please try and discuss any concerns you have regarding changing your treatment with your doctor, and that you could bring a family member or ask for a chaperone if you feel you need someone else in the room or that it would help you be heard best.

Finally, please do feel free to take a look at our information on MODY if you feel this might help you understand a bit more or know what to ask of your GP - 🙂
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